The main goal of this project is to solve the Maximum Cut Problem (MaxCut for short) to proven optimality.
The main author of this project is Jonas Charfreitag
Contributors who worked as student assistants on this project (in alphabetical order):
All but one dependency of this project are manged by git (via submodules). Only SCIP needs to be "installed". The easiest way to make SCIP available on your machine is using one of the " installers" ZIB offers for download here:
- clone project
- make sure SCIP is installed (see step above)
- run
git submodule update --init --recursive
(see further below for bugfixes) - now cmake building should work:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j 10 # -j 10 makes make use 10 threads
If SCIP is not on your path, or you want to use a different version of SCIP as the one on your path:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DSCIP_DIR:PATH="{my/path/to/scip}"
make -j 10 # -j 10 makes make use 10 threads
If you want to use a specific compiler:
cmake .. -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER="{/abs/path/to/eg/gcc}" -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="{/abs/path/to/eg/g++}"
The main executable is called sms
. It can be found in the build directory after building the project.
./sms --help
- build the project as described above (all CMake targets including tests get build by default)
- stay in the build directory
- execute the test binary
./test/test_test --gtest_filter=*
can be used to select the test to run. For example --gtest_filter=IoTest*
will run all test in the
testsuite, --gtest_filter=IoTest.ParseEdgelist
will only run the ParseEdgelist
The gtest_filter
can be changed to only execute test matching the expression.
The main CMakeList.txt includes a macro to add tests based on googles gtest library. The macro is called sms_add_test. When writing tests, make sure to
- Test relevant special cases, to cover correctness and completeness as good as possible
- Try to avoid as many dependencies as possible, to keep the tests fast and independent
When in doubt, we follow the google style guide for c++. Full version. The most important conventions for naming etc. we follow are configured in the ".clang-format" and ".clang-tidy" files!
- build the project as described above, if necessary delete the build directory. CMake will automatically create a json file (compile_commands.json) clang-tidy will use in the next step.
- run clang tidy on the desired files (from inside the project diretory)
cd ..
clang-tidy --checks=* -p=build src/*
The checks parameter can be adjusted, see clang-tidy --list-checks
all options. You can type --checks=*
to use all
checks or --checks=google*
for all google style checks.
The files to check can also be specified (e.g. src/maxcut.cpp
Run the following command to use our own clang-tidy config, which is based on google.
clang-tidy -config-file=.clang-tidy -p=build src/*/*.cpp
We also set up a clang-format file. It can be used with CLion as described here:
In the console you can use
clang-format -style=file -i src/*/*.cpp include/sms/*/*.hpp
to automatically apply the format changes. If you ommit -i
the changes will be listed but not applied.
git submodules are as awesome as annoying. How to hardreset all
rm -fr .git/config .git/modules && git submodule deinit -f . && git submodule update --init --recursive
- SCIP Parameter:
- SCIP basic concepts:
- SCIP 8.0 release notes:
- Information on how to implement constraint handlers can be found here:
- Useful slides are here:
- Information for the TSP cutting plane example:
- CH slides 2020:
- CH slides 2015:
- How to add:
- Example:
- Events:
- How to add:
- Reference counter for SCIP objects (like variables, constraints, etc.):
- Allocating memory, the SCIP way:
Download link:
Not needed by default for this project
To allow "-DIPOPT_DIR=$IPOPT_DIR" flag on Linux:
git clone
cd Ipopt
mkdir build && cd build
../configure --prefix=/path/to/install/dir
make -j
make install
Download link: