A new and efficient way of ordering food in our IITI campus.
This Git repo contain different branches but the main branch is the final git push we have done.
Just go to the main.dart file located in the lib section and then using your prefered IDE enter flutter run in the terminal.
Don't worry if it shows some error in sign in , its just because of the differencs in emulators.
- Try to change the first go route located in the main.dart file( its name will be returning Startscreen) , change Startscreen to Homescreen and the app will work fine for you.
In this case there is chance that there might be some renderflex errors but its fine cause its won't effect the functionality of the app.
As this app is in trial mode so use the following test card details to complete the payments.
- Card No. 4111 1111 1111 1111
- Expiry - Any date( In future )
- Card Holder's Name - ( Any Name )
- CVV - 123
- OTP - Any no will work