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EmonESP v2.5.5 for CircuitSetup Energy Meters

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@CircuitSetup CircuitSetup released this 03 Dec 16:14
· 62 commits to master since this release
  • ATM90E32 library:
    • Fixed to calculate power factor correctly. Previously it would go negative for no reason.
    • Adjusted startup thresholds registers (not relevant to EmonESP)
    • Set Sag and Voltage peak detect period set to 20ms (not relevant to EmonESP)
    • Corrected F1-F7 registers, which are voltage & current peak, not THD (they are TDH on the ATM90E36) (not relevant to EmonESP)
    • Corrected N RMS calculated current address (DC, not D8) (not relevant to EmonESP)
  • Removed canBeNegative for regular meter so it's easy to tell when a current transformer is backwards. If one is backwards, active power calculations will be off because power factor will be off.