This project collects tests and uploads them to
In Eclipse, create a new execution with.
- Base directory:
- Goal:
-e -X clean test org.cjan:test-collector:0.4-SNAPSHOT:upload -Dcjan.reports=./target0/surefire-reports -Dcjan.url=http://localhost:8000/upload/results
Set up your token in settings.xml, as explained in
The plug-in is deployed to Apache Maven central repository. Edit your settings.xml to configure the user that will authenticate with
First generate test reports.
mvn clean test
Now you can upload your results to with the following command line:
mvn org.cjan:test-collector:upload
Other options that can be passed when using the plug-in include (with the default value):
- -Dcjan.reports=./target/surefire-reports
- -Dcjan.url=
- -Dcjan.proxy.port=
MIT License