🌱 I’m currently learning AI/ML
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science | New Era University
2021 - Present
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathemetics Strand | Dr. Carlos S. Lanting College
2019 - 2021
- Intro to Programming | Kaggle
- Business Analytics with Excel | Simplilearn
- SQL and Relational Databases 101 | Cognitive Class
- Introduction to SQL | Datacamp
- Intermediate SQL | Datacamp
- Introduction to Relational Databases in SQL | Datacamp
- Database Design | Datacamp
- Introduction to Python | Datacamp
- Intermediate Python | Datacamp
- Understanding Cloud Computing | Datacamp
- Data Analytics Essentials | Cisco
- Intro to Data Science | Cisco
- Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals | IBM SkillsBuild
Web/Application Developments
- Mini JAVA Compiler
- NEUSCHED Extension
- E-Commerce Website
- House Properties Website (PHP CRUD)
- Dynamic Portfolio
Software Engineering Design Patterns using JAVA
Creational Design Patterns
Structural Design Patterns
Behavioral Design Patterns
Dashboarding/Data Visualization
- Snack Report | Microsoft Power BI
- Soda Report 2022 | Microsoft Power BI
- Course Tracker | Microsoft Power BI
- Awesome Chocolate Dashboard Report | Tableau
Data Visualization Tools |
Programming Languages |
Dev Tools |