The essential purpose of In-app purchases are purchases made from within a mobile application. Users typically make an in-app purchase in order to access special content or features using in an app purchases such as special options, power-ups, virtual money, special characters, etc. The purchasing process is completed directly from within the app and is seamless to the user in most cases, with the mobile platform provider facilitating the purchase and taking a share of the money spent (usually in the range of 30% or so), with the rest going to the app developer.
In-app purcahses are ideally suited for application that use aditional optional model, such as access to aditional content, special options, subscribtions.
The purpose of the plugin is to create an Android stores independent javascript interface for Cordova based on OpenIAB forked library.
- Android (SDK >=10)
See In-app purchases Guide for detailed informations and screenshots.
- Phonegap 3.0, Android 2.3.3+
- Purchasing and querying managed in-app items:
- Google Play client version 3.10.10 or higher, In-App billing v3.0
- Samsung In-App Purchase v 2.0
- Nokia In-App Payment API version ("3").
- Open Stores (Yandex, SlideMe, Appland, Apptoid, AppMail) in-app billing protocol v 1.0
The plugin can either be installed into the local development environment.
Through the Command-line Interface:
# ~~ from master ~~
cordova plugin add && cordova prepare
Through the Command-line Interface:
cordova plugins rm org.commoniab
Add the following xml to your config.xml to always use the latest version of this plugin:
<gap:plugin name="org.commoniab" />
or to use an specific version:
<gap:plugin name="org.commoniab" version="0.0.5" />
More informations can be found here.
- [feature:] initial implementation
- See to get the full changelog for the plugin.
- See the v0.1.x TODO List for upcomming changes and other things.
The plugin creates objects CommonIAB
and ConfigIAB
. ConfigIAB
uses to set up In-App billing parameters to initialize the library. CommonIAB
is basis class to manage In-App purchases.
More information is available on Wiki page.
The plugin and its methods are not available before the deviceready event has been fired.
document.addEventListener('deviceready', function () {
// CommonIAB is now available
}, false);
The plugin must use ConfigIAB
class to set up initial parameters for correct working of In-App Billing.
After finish to set up billing parameters, you have to execute CommonIAB.init
CommonIAB.init(successCallback, errorCallback, options)
Initializes the In-App billing library.
A callback to be called when the function finishes The function passes one argument to callback: {String|Object} result to processing
- Parameters:
— Success handler for processing resulterrorCallback
— Error handler for processing erroroptions
— Json representation of config object. UseConfigIAB.toJson()
Call the following code inside onDeviceReady(), because only after device ready you will have the plugin working.
function onDeviceReady() {
/** Default success handler for operations.
* @param {String|Object} result Data to process
function commonSuccessHandler (result) {
var strResult = "";
if(typeof result === 'object') {
strResult = JSON.stringify(result);
} else {
strResult = result;
alert("SUCCESS: \r\n"+strResult );
/** Default error handler for operations.
* @param {String|Object} error Error to process
function commonErrorHandler (error) {
alert("ERROR: \r\n"+error );
/** Configures and initializes in app purchase for different stores.
* To configure using ConfigIAB class, to init using CommonIAB
* @see #ConfigIAB
* @see #CommonIAB.init
function config() {
YANDEX_PUBLIC_KEY = "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAlZWMVFADb5IVQEBAQb66OHobeIvbVO2mmVW77/tWEi73P0aGIzm1QXi6t3vBFroeniYvKmhpmfdmVn27WshPz0G3NZeJANX/Fppm0yxv3PPeP6+AFnzXQpi+WCByTQf8YQxpv9oKFMhemdL5BRLE/XP0L5i9QJwccBSqaIKTBi4eN3+qaS1xp9DU95Mf7TK748LencM8fZfkCdahj0Zp9O53ZDvLLKiZdKV3DDgqiHewR68Cw4nY1mWyM/RkNBdtvFgmZvD6rhAjGmoQyjNbg8keuX1krwNHZxWz6YYRKsmlr3iP6dKSYGtDYmv6qPOVnAxRYpD8Bf95HQ9quk04jwIDAQAB";
GOOGLE_PUBLIC_KEY = "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAkfzN/N+50a3yV94N8QK8TTdvex44EbcOCYew3Nrl2iHHnzcVMT7Dz43tLDQIzUFfyKbnoXYv2Wgfg4OZcaHm6DeLs9PcvotlBNsL8quE0JRmf/sDAKtceLonKrus3nvQyKCQn+yzxRYSX5LwDjmwo92y8g1WlmrjV1OcwgmhuPq8WwEILtxszzqO4fp+T15q2lwnjiaJdeFG3d2d17b1mzTFHV8yCPvZV+0FsEmeISwYGZSwW4AUFU1JhbeXbHUILVT+1TkPaXPJ0XohpdMSB2ov9o6K43a2IhyTEwDxBq38VWWLmu+hBpX33775ssU+WpHJpcxG6fU9eVolkRAYFQIDAQAB";
SLIDEME_PUBLIC_KEY = "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEApLMWn4JfC/nej9ZtWQWwRjBRr1gH9l8q5H2c2b04thzbgGS9pmv/N4KsSZhB23Da+yQUMbFHktDzeMVGFC23WOb/aZlvremzZ6kUN/fF67XfH+Znp03thCXpE4I/TWKqWjLtc8dw1wpSsPvG7wRPmiAut9zsXpARuH2FCecxhnTocouCtDjbzVFhf3r6905Q0lTGyRg7t6mDXDHOEhA3rAO/RwRi8IE0XeDamNHUlzjKzUtDPopJQjG5hWVkw32LIeil1mDxPhV5y6sRNlZGuSYcS/QiaYO++JYCKhmQn2VQG775vY+bVsCrwnK+ZDpn7bAnL3WeB/VMMDd6Phb66wIDAQAB";
ConfigIAB.addStoreKeys(ConfigIAB.StoreNameEnum.GOOGLE, GOOGLE_PUBLIC_KEY);
ConfigIAB.addStoreKeys(ConfigIAB.StoreNameEnum.YANDEX, YANDEX_PUBLIC_KEY);
ConfigIAB.addStoreKeys(ConfigIAB.StoreNameEnum.SLIDE_ME, SLIDEME_PUBLIC_KEY);
CommonIAB.init(commonSuccessHandler, commonErrorHandler, ConfigIAB.toJson());
Each Android Store has own rules of named SKUs. Thus to implification of operations between different stores and application logic, we use conception of "local SKU". "local SKU" is used to manage SKUs for different stores. CommonIAB does association between local sku and selected android store automaticaly (on depends of what store is used for your app).
CommonIAB.mapSku(successCallback, errorCallback, sku, storeName, storeSku)
Does association beetween local SKU and android store SKU
- Parameters:
— Success handler for processing resulterrorCallback
— Error handler for processing errorsku
— Local SKU(product id).storeName
— Android store name, see ConfigIAB.StoreNameEnum on WikistoreSku
— SKU in android store
SKU_PREMIUM = "sku_premium";
SKU_SUBSCRIPTION = "sku_subscription";
CommonIAB.mapSku(commonSuccessHandler, commonErrorHandler, SKU_PREMIUM,
ConfigIAB.StoreNameEnum.GOOGLE, "sku_premium_google");
CommonIAB.mapSku(commonSuccessHandler, commonErrorHandler, SKU_SUBSCRIPTION,
ConfigIAB.StoreNameEnum.GOOGLE, "sku_subscription_google");
CommonIAB.mapSku(commonSuccessHandler, commonErrorHandler, SKU_PREMIUM,
ConfigIAB.StoreNameEnum.YANDEX, "sku_premium_yandex");
CommonIAB.mapSku(commonSuccessHandler, commonErrorHandler, SKU_SUBSCRIPTION,
ConfigIAB.StoreNameEnum.YANDEX, "sku_subscription_yandex");
CommonIAB.purchaseProduct(successCallback, errorCallback, sku, developerPayload)
Purchases the product with the selected SKU and developerPayload The function passes one argument to successCallback: {Object} purchased item in json
- Parameters:
— Success handler for processing resulterrorCallback
— Error handler for processing errorsku
— SKU product iddeveloperPayload
— Token to verify your purchase request to store
CommonIAB.purchaseSubscription(successCallback, errorCallback, sku, developerPayload)
Purchases the subscription with the selected SKU and developerPayload The function passes one argument to successCallback: {Object} purchased item in json
- Parameters:
— Success handler for processing resulterrorCallback
— Error handler for processing errorsku
— SKU product iddeveloperPayload
— token to verify your subscription request to store
CommonIAB.consumeProduct(successCallback, errorCallback, purchase)
Consumes the purchased product The function passes one argument to successCallback: {Object} purchased item in json
- Parameters:
— Success handler for processing resulterrorCallback
— Error handler for processing errorpurchase
— Purchased product info in json
/** Purchases items with selected SKUs
function purchaseProduct() {
developerPayload = "";
CommonIAB.purchaseProduct(purchaseProductSuccessHandler, purchaseProductErrorHandler,
SKU_PREMIUM, developerPayload);
/** Consumes selected purchased item.
function consumeProduct(lastPurchasedItem) {
CommonIAB.consumeProduct(commonSuccessHandler, commonErrorHandler, lastPurchasedItem);
/** Purchases subscription with selected SKUs, use real SKU.
* Does not have Google fake SKUs for subscription.
function purchaseSubscription() {
// need to use only actual SKUs,standard test SKUs from Google do not work.
developerPayload = "";
CommonIAB.purchaseSubscription(commonSuccessHandler, commonErrorHandler, SKU_SUBSCRIPTION, developerPayload);
CommonIAB.getProductDetails(successCallback, errorCallback)
Gets Product details information from the android store server using SKUs from inventory. This method may block or take long to execute. Do not call from a UI thread. The function passes one argument to successCallback: {Object} result in json
- Parameters:
— Success handler for processing resulterrorCallback
— Error handler for processing error
CommonIAB.getProductDetails(successCallback, errorCallback, skus)
Gets Product details information from the android store server using inventory SKUs and additional SKUs. The function passes one argument to successCallback: {Object} result in json
- Parameters:
— Success handler for processing resulterrorCallback
— Error handler for processing error
CommonIAB.getPurchases(successCallback, errorCallback)
Returns all purchases from local inventory. The function passes one argument to successCallback: {Object} purchased products in json
- Parameters:
— Success handler for processing resulterrorCallback
— Error handler for processing error
CommonIAB.getAvailableProducts(successCallback, errorCallback)
Returns all available products for the current store. The function passes one argument to successCallback: {Object} available products in json
- Parameters:
— Success handler for processing resulterrorCallback
— Error handler for processing error
CommonIAB.unbindService(successCallback, errorCallback)
Disconnect from in app billing service.
/** Success handler for get purchases operation.
* @param {String|Object} result Data to process
function getPurchasesSuccessHandler (result) {
var strResult = "";
if(typeof result === 'object') {
lastPurchasedItemsInJson = result;
strResult = JSON.stringify(result);
} else {
strResult = result;
logger("get purchases result SUCCESS is:" + strResult);
/** Gets purchased item from local inventory
function getPurchases() {
logger("get purchases");
CommonIAB.getPurchases(getPurchasesSuccessHandler, commonErrorHandler);
/** Gets available products from local inventory
function getAvailableProducts() {
logger("get available products");
CommonIAB.getAvailableProducts(commonSuccessHandler, commonErrorHandler);
Checks subscriptions state. The function passes one argument to successCallback: {Object} result in json {"result:Boolean"}
Is debug mode enabled, gives more information about operations with billing
- Returns:
— if logging is enabled
Switches on debug mode for in app billing functionality
- Parameters:
— debug mode state
Full example is available on examples/basic/index.html
- Create a release apk of your app and sign it.
- Create a new application in the Developer Console of selected Android store.
- Upload your apk
- Enter the app description, logo, etc. then click on save
- Add in-app purchases items from the Developer Console (activate them but do not publish the app)
- Click on Services and APIs to get your public license key
- Set your public license key up in ConfigIAB
- Wait 6-8 hours
- Install the signed app on your test device in release mode. The Android Store Account on the test device should not be the same as the developer account).
- Read carefully the Android store testing guide to learn how to test your app. More information you can find on Wiki
- Test your purchases
If you have an issue, make sure that you can answer to theses questions on Wiki page or with CommonIAB tag
If you have an issue with the plugin please check the following first:
- You are using the latest version of the Plugin Javascript & platform-specific Java from this repository.
- You have installed the Javascript & platform-specific Java correctly.
- You have included the correct version of the cordova Javascript and CommonIABPlugin.js and got the path right.
- You have registered the plugin properly in
If you still cannot get something to work:
- Make the simplest test program you can to demonstrate the issue, including completely self-contained, i.e. it is using no extra libraries beyond cordova & CommonIABPlugin.js;
Then you can post the issue to the raise a new issue.
If you have any questions about the plugin please post it to the with CommonIAB tag.
High priority:
- Stability is first: immediate resolution or workaround for stability issues (crashing) is the goal.
- Correctness: any issue with correctness should result in a new testcase together with the bug fix.
Low priority: issues with the API or application integration will be given lower priority.
WARNING: Please do NOT propose changes from your master
branch. In general changes will be rebased using git rebase
or git cherry-pick
and not merged.
- Testimonials of apps that are using this plugin would be especially helpful.
- Reporting issues at / issues can help improve the quality of this plugin.
- Patches with bug fixes are helpful, especially when submitted with test code.
- Other enhancements welcome for consideration, when submitted with test code and will work for all supported android stores. Increase of complexity should be avoided.
- All contributions may be reused by @ClausKinz (Claus Schmidt) under another license in the future. Efforts will be taken to give credit for major contributions but it will not be guaranteed.
#How to involved:
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request
Please use the following Code Style:
- source for Android versionmaster-src
- source for Android versionmaster-rc
- pre-release version, including source for CommonIAB library classesmaster
- version for release, will be included in Cordova build.
This software is released under the Apache 2.0 License.
© 2014 Claus Schmidt All rights reserved