This benchmark compares the native JSON support of the most popular analytical databases.
The dataset is a collection of files containing JSON objects delimited by newline (ndjson). This was obtained using Jetstream to collect Bluesky events. The dataset contains 1 billion Bluesky events and is currently hosted on a public S3 bucket.
We wrote a detailed blog post on JSONBench, explaining how it works and showcasing benchmark results for the first five databases: ClickHouse, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, DuckDB, and PostgreSQL.
The main principles of this benchmark are:
You can easily reproduce every test (although for some systems it may take from several hours to days) in a semi-automated way. The test setup is documented and uses inexpensive cloud VMs. The test process is documented in the form of a shell script, covering the installation of every system, loading of the data, running the workload, and collecting the result numbers. The dataset is published and made available for download in multiple formats.
The dataset is represented by real-world production data. The realistic data distributions allow for correctly accounting for compression, indices, codecs, custom data structures, etc., which is not possible with most of the random dataset generators. It can test various aspects of hardware as well: some queries require high storage throughput; some queries benefit from a large number of CPU cores, and some benefit from single-core speed; some queries benefit from high main memory bandwidth.
Best efforts should be taken to understand the details of every tested system for a fair comparison. It is allowed to apply various indexing methods whenever appropriate.
It is not allowed to use query results caching or flatten JSON into multiple non-JSON colums at insertion type.
Some databases do have a JSON data type but they flatten nested JSON documents at insertion time to a single level (typically using .
as separator between levels). We consider this a grey zone. On the one hand, this removes the possibility to restore the original documents, on the other hand, flattening may in many practical situations be acceptable. The dashboard allows to filter out databases which do not retain the document structure (i.e. which flatten).
The goal is to advance the possibilities of data analytics on semistructured data. This benchmark is influenced by ClickBench which was published in 2022 and has helped in improving performance, capabilities, and stability of many analytic databases. We would like to see comparable influence from JSONBench.
The benchmark focuses on data analytics queries rather than search, single-value retrieval, or mutating operations.
The benchmark does not record data loading times. While it was one of the initial goals, many systems require a finicky multi-step data preparation process, which makes them difficult to compare.
To run the benchmark with 1 billion rows, it is important to provision a machine with sufficient resources and disk space. The full compressed dataset takes 125 Gb of disk space, uncompressed it takes up to 425 Gb.
For reference, the initial benchmarks have been run on the following machines:
- AWS EC2 instance: m6i.8xlarge
- Disk: > 10Tb gp3
- OS: Ubuntu 24.04
If you're interested in running the full benchmark, be aware that it will take several hours or days depending on the database.
Each folder contains the scripts required to run the benchmark on a database, by example clickhouse folder contains the scripts to run the benchmark on ClickHouse.
The full dataset contains 1 billion rows, but the benchmark runs for different dataset sizes (1 million, 10 million, 100 million and 1 billion rows) and compression settings in order to compare results at different scale.
Start by downloading the dataset using the script
. When running the script, you will be prompted the dataset size you want to download, if you just want to test it out, I'd recommend starting with the default 1m rows, if you're interested to reproduce results at scale, go with the full dataset, 1 billion rows.
Select the dataset size to download:
1) 1m (default)
2) 10m
3) 100m
4) 1000m
Enter the number corresponding to your choice:
Navigate to the folder corresponding to the database you want to run the benchmark for.
The script
is the script to run each benchmark.
: The directory where the dataset is stored. The default is~/data/bluesky
: The file to log successful operations. The default issuccess.log
: The file to log errors. The default iserror.log
: The prefix for output files. The default is_m6i.8xlarge
For example, for clickhouse:
cd clickhouse
Select the dataset size to benchmark:
1) 1m (default)
2) 10m
3) 100m
4) 1000m
5) all
Enter the number corresponding to your choice:
Enter the dataset size for which you want to run the benchmark, then hit enter.
The script installs the database system on the current machine and then prepares and runs the benchmark.
The results of the benchmark are stored within each folder in files prefixed with the $OUTPUT_PREFIX (Default is _m6i.8xlarge
Below is a description of the files that might be generated as a result of the benchmark. Depending on the database, some files might not be generated because they are not relevant.
: Contains the total size of the dataset..data_size
: Contains the data size of the dataset..index_size
: Contains the index size of the dataset..index_usage
: Contains the index usage statistics..physical_query_plans
: Contains the physical query plans..results_runtime
: Contains the runtime results of the benchmark..results_memory_usage
: Contains the memory usage results of the benchmark.
The last step of our benchmark is manual (PRs to automate this last step are welcome). We manually retrieve the information from the outputted files into the final result JSON documents, which we add to the results
subdirectory within the benchmark candidate's subdirectory.
For example, this is the results directory for our ClickHouse benchmark results.
We highly welcome additions of new entries in the benchmark! Please don't hesitate to contribute one. You don't have to be affiliated with the database engine to contribute to the benchmark.
We welcome all types of databases, including open-source and closed-source, commercial and experimental, distributed or embedded, except one-off customized builds for the benchmark.
While the main benchmark uses a specific machine configuration for reproducibility, we will be interested in receiving results for cloud services and data lakes for reference comparisons.
- ClickHouse
- Elasticsearch
- MongoDB
- DuckDB
- PostgreSQL
- Quickwit
- Meilisearch
- Sneller
- Snowflake
- Manticore Search
- SingleStore
- SurrealDB
- OpenText Vertica
- VictoriaLogs
- PartiQL
- FishStore
- FerretDB
- Apache Drill
- GlareDB
The fastest command-line tools for querying large JSON datasets