This project is a platform to help refugees to learn to code. Our first goal is to provide a list of free online courses and then to support exchanges via a community platform. A few volunteers will help students by analyzing the progress of the student and propose improvements.
This application is based on react starterkit, which provides a prepared development environment based on gulp, Sass and webpack. The internal data flow is handled with alt and the routing is managed with the React-Router.
- nodejs / npm
- gulp
Install all dependencies.
$ npm install
Builds the application and starts a webserver with livereload. By default the webserver starts at port 3000.
You can define a port with $ gulp --port 3333
$ gulp
Builds a minified version of the application in the dist folder.
$ gulp build --type production
Javascript entry file: app/scripts/main.js
We are using alt, which is an implementation of the Flux Architecture. If you want to read more about alt, check out the readme of the alt git repo.
The routing is done with the react-router. It's especially great for SPA's. We would recommend to read the guide to get an overview of the router features.
ES6 with babel
We are working with the webpack babel loader in order to load our .js/.jsx files. Babel allows you to use ES6 features like class, arrow functions and much more.
CSS entry file: app/styles/main.scss
As you can see we are using Sass to preprocess our .scss files. If you didn't work with a css preprocessor before the Sass page is a good starting point to get to know what Sass can do for you.
If you want to use third-party CSS you just include it via @import 'path/to/your/third-party-styles.css'
at the top of the main.cscc file.
You can find the webpack configuration in the webpack.config.js file. We use the babel-loader in order to load .jsx and .js files via webpack. If it's possible install all your dependencies with NPM. Packages installed with NPM can be used like this:
var moduleXYZ = require('moduleXYZ');
You can find all loaders in this list.