Minimal site containing functional tests for Codeception Module Symfony.
The main purpose of this project is to verify the proper functioning of the Codeception Module Symfony
in a minimal Symfony installation.
You can use it to contribute new features or propose changes in the module and verify that nothing is broken in the process. If that's your goal, be sure to follow the contribution guides for the module.
You can also fork it and use it to reproduce a bug or unexpected behavior for analysis. If that's your case, just add a link to your fork next to the description of your issue in the module's repository.
Lastly, if you just want to see the module in action and run the tests yourself on your local machine just:
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install Composer dependencies
composer update
- Update database schema and load Doctrine fixtures
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --quiet
Then, go to the project directory and run:
vendor/bin/codecept run Functional
To create Unit Tests or Acceptance Tests, you need to create the corresponding suite first:
vendor/bin/codecept generate:suite Unit
vendor/bin/codecept generate:suite Acceptance
Assuming you have the following directory structure:
├─ module-symfony/
├─ symfony-module-tests/
│ ├─ composer.json
│ ├─ composer.lock
Add code listed below to the composer.json and run composer update
// ...
"repositories": [
"type": "path",
"url": "../module-symfony"
Don't forget to revert composer.json and run composer update
before commit changes.