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git submodule update --init --recursive
- - Terminal Color Scheme Designer (:octocat: stayradiated/ create and convert to and from many common formats in this web-app; has preview
- Terminal Colors | Chris Yeh - some technical information about the way colors work in terminals
- thefryscorer/schemer2 - Terminal Colorscheme Generator and Converter
- adi1090x/kitty-cat - Simple script to change color-schemes and fonts for kitty terminal only
- Gogh - Color Scheme ( Mayccoll/Gogh) - huge collection of schemes converted for use in various emulators
- mbadolato/iTerm2-Color-Schemes - another large collection of schemes that have been converted to suit a variety of emulators
- ⭐
- script that will change themes; cross platform and cross emulator so it is my personal favorite; comes bundled with lots of themes and can read various formats so it's easy to add new ones
Kiity "-a" (Annex) doesn't work · Issue #28 · lemnos/
[OC] Themer - Colorscheme & Config files generation and management utility : unixporn
s-ol/themer: Themer is a colorscheme generator and manager for your desktop.
charles leifer | Using python to generate awesome linux desktop themes
[OC] flavours can now generate beautiful and readable base16 schemes from wallpapers! : unixporn
kdrag0n/base16-kitty: Base16 color scheme template for kitty
Misterio77/flavours: 🎨💧 An easy to use base16 scheme manager that integrates with any workflow.
Make a terminal theme with Base16 and Flavours - Part 1 - Invidious
Misterio77/flavours: 🎨💧 An easy to use base16 scheme manager that integrates with any workflow.
[OC] gruvbox-factory: your gruvbox themed wallpaper generator 🏭 : unixporn
Save and restore current theme · Issue #23 · lemnos/
- Desktop / Xfce Forums
- How To Ask For Help / Say Hello / Xfce Forums
- faq [Xfce Docs]
- XFCE/XFWM4 Themes - Eyecandy for your XFCE-Desktop -
- Search [Xfce Wiki]
- GNOME Shell Extensions
- howto:xfwm4_theme [Xfce Wiki] - basics explains the different kinds and parts of a theme
software installation - How to correctly install Compiz on Xfce 4? - Ask Ubuntu - a straightforward tutorial about how to install compiz
. Was original written in 2015 but has been updated til 2019.
jEsuSdA/the-perfect-desktop: Some configuration files and tools to get the Perfect Linux Desktop - it actually does look pretty useful. fonts, sounds, compositing.