The crypt package creates a simple interface for the phpseclib AES-128 library. Its interface allows encryption and decryption of strings with a layer of base64 encoding for easy transmission including the initialization vector.
composer require crowdstar/crypt:~2.0.0
Before using the library, you need to choose a secret key, which should be of size 16, 24 or 32 only.
$secretKey = "1234567890123456";
use CrowdStar\Crypt\Crypt;
$encodedEncryptedData = (new Crypt($secretKey))->encrypt("message");
use CrowdStar\Crypt\Crypt;
$encodedEncryptedData = (new Crypt($secretKey))->decrypt("encoded_encrypted_data");
use CrowdStar\Crypt\Crypt;
$crypt = new Crypt($secretKey);
$alternateIVLength = 8;
$encodedEncryptedData = $crypt->encrypt("message", $alternateIVLength);
$plainText = $crypt->decrypt($encodedEncryptedData, $alternateIVLength);
When bad data is passed in, the return value of method call CrowdStar\Crypt\Crypt::decrypt()
will be an empty string.