This tool uses open source artifact collecting tools and restruct it to suitable json file for the DF-CAT web service.
- Download DF_CAT_Tool(aka. CACAT).
- Collect artifacts.
- Collected artifacts (json files, called CACAT data) can be used with DF-CAT web service.
pip install -r requirements.txt
then execute
Eric Zimmerman's tools
- pip install auto-py-to-exe
- Write auto-py-to-exe in your command, like this
- When the auto-py-to-exe window turns on, put the path of in the Script Location, like this
- And if you want to create one exe file, if you want to make One File a directory,
click One Directory Also, if you want to display Console Window, click Console Based or Window Based
- Next, put the path of favorite.ico in the artifact_parser directory in the icon
- In Additional Files, press Add Files and download.Add the path of py,,, favicon.ico
and add the path of the artifact_parser directory as Add Folder
- In Advanced, write the name of the exe you want to write in -name and enable -uac-admin
- Lastly, Click The CONVERT .py TO .EXE to create an exe file