Utilize configuration files to create runner scripts.
- cpptoml
- tomlplusplus
- a runner like rofi, dmenu etc
From source:
make all
sudo make install
Using rpm:
make all
cd build
cpack -G RPM
sudo rpm -i *.rpm
Using deb:
make all
cd build
cpack -G deb
sudo dpkg -i *.deb
makepkg -si PKGBUILD
usage: RapidMenu [flags] [<command> [args]]
-c: To specify which config to use.
-b: Make a executable out of a config.
To do that you just need to, use this command.
And it should say "Created /home/$USER/.config/RapidMenu".
If you want to open a configuration, just use this command.
RapidMenu -c [config]
You should put the config files in the config dir. So, if you want to make a dashboard, then call it dashboard.conf. For games, use games.conf etc.
Just use this command, it will throw an error if incorrect. Also, it will ask what you want to name the executable, and if it already exists.
RapidMenu -b [config]
It is required to have the [runner] section in the configuration. Example:
rname = "Dashboard:" #name if needed
rtheme = "-show-icons -theme ~/.config/rofi/themes/rounded-purple-dark.rasi" #theme if needed
rcommand = "rofi -dmenu -p" #dmenu, rofi, bemenu etc
An example of something to add to the configuration.
[Disk] #To set the name
names = "Disk" #To set the name in the runner
description = "You chose Disk." #Not required but can be set
command = "kitty -e /home/$USER/.config/RapidMenu/hdd.bash" #bash command
- maukkis