This repo has a Dockerfile for python 3, scikit-learn, and Jupyter configured to access the app folder contents on host.
Docker is essentially like a VM (Virtual Machine), but much lighter.
Running this command, in the folder containing the Docker file
('.' stands for current folder):
docker build -t mlnb .
- creates an image (similar to a VM disk image) based on this Dockerfile,
- with a name/tag "mlnb" (chose it for "machine learning notebook"),
To see available images on your system:
docker image ls
This Docker run command:
docker run -p 9999:8888 \
--mount 'type=bind,src="$(pwd)"/app,target=/app' mlnb
- creates a new instance for "mlnb" image and runs it
- maps internal port 8888 to the host's 9999 and
- bind mounts the app folder in this folder to app folder in the docker container
To list running instances
docker ps
To make a terminal connection to a running instance:
docker exec -it <containerName> /bin/bash
You can study my Docker Workshop:
In folder containing the notebook:
git submodule add reveal.js
jupyter nbconvert "<notebook name>.ipynb" --to slides --post serve
Also add 8000 to mapped internal ports when starting this image
docker run -p 9999:8888 -p 9000:8000 \
--mount 'type=bind,src="$(pwd)"/app,target=/app' mlnb