This is a Laravel wrapper for esperlu's which converts a mysqldump to an Sqlite 3 compatible file.
You can run the default configuration
php artisan db:mysql-to-sqlite
Running a single, default conversion configuration:
php artisan db:mysql-to-sqlite customerServiceDBForCI
- Publish the config...
For Laravel
Publish the config...
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="MysqlToSqlite\ServiceProvider"
Add the following to app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php
public function register()
// Class may not be there if it was loaded as a dev dependency
if (class_exists('MysqlToSqlite\ServiceProvider')) {
For Lumen
Publish the config...
cp vendor/realpagelouisville/mysql-to-sqlite/config/mysql-to-sqlite.php config/mysql-to-sqlite.php
Add the following to app/bootstrap/app.php
// Class may not be there if it was loaded as a dev dependency
if(class_exists('MysqlToSqlite\ServiceProvider')) {
You're probably only using this for development, so we'll use require-dev
composer require --dev realpagelouisville/mysql-to-sqlite:~1.*