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This is a gradle plugin used to automatically compress your bootJar with a bootstrap file into a zip.


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As Alibaba/Aliyun Function Compute updated a lot of features since I implemented the first version of this gradle plugin, such as definding bootstrap command inside s.yaml template file and extend template files, this plugin is eventually become outdated.

So, there will be no more update. Please migrate to the offical cli tool maintained by Alibaba/Aliyun team: @serverless-devs/s.

Fc custom runtime packer

This is a gradle plugin used to automatically compress your bootJar with a bootstrap file into a zip.

After applying this plugin, it will try to search bootstrap files under ${PROJECT_DIR} and ${PROJECT_DIR}/bootstrap dir.

How to install

buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven { url "" }
  dependencies {
    classpath "dev.dengchao:fc-custom-runtime-packer:x.y.z" // replace x.y.z with actual version of this plugin

version 'your-project-version'

// This plugin MUST be applied below version field.
apply plugin: "dev.dengchao.fc-custom-runtime-packer"

How to use

Project structure

Let's assume you have a spring project like below:

project dir
+--- bootstrap
|       +--- bootstrap-pro  (1)
|       \--- dev            (2)
+--- build
+--- src
+---           (3)
+--- build.gradle           (plugin applyed)

After run gradle :zipBootstrap, there will be a regular bootJar, three profile-ed bootstrap zip:

project dir
+--- build
|       \--- libs
|               +--- demo-1.0.0.jar            (bootJar)
|               +---
|               |       +--- bootstrap         (generated from 3) 
|               |       \--- demo-1.0.0.jar
|               +---
|               |       +--- bootstrap         (generated from 2) 
|               |       \--- demo-1.0.0.jar
|               \---
|                       +--- bootstrap         (generated from 1) 
|                       \--- demo-1.0.0.jar

More additionally, you can run gradle :zipBootstrapDefault to package default profile only, so does other profiles.

Bootstrap file spec

  • It's content MAY have one or more place holder archive or boot.jar, which will be replaced by actual bootJar name in generated bootstrap file. eg: java -jar archive will result java -jar demo-1.0.0.jar
    • See [ReplacePlaceHolderContentInterceptor]1 for more details.
  • If it is placed under project dir like (3), its name MUST match regex expression bootstrap(-[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)?(\.sh)?
    • If a profile (-[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+) is present, it will result a ${PROJECT_NAME}-${PROJECT_VERSION}-${PROFILE}.zip zip.
    • If the profile is not present, it will result a ${PROJECT_NAME}-${PROJECT_VERSION} zip.
    • See [ProjectDirBootstrapCollector]2 for more details.
  • If it is placed under bootstrap dir like (1) and (2), its name MUST match regex expression ([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)(\.sh)?
    • If a 'bootstrap-' prefix is present, it will be removed from profile.
    • See [BootstrapDirBootstrapCollector]3 for more details.
  • It's content MAY have announced its [shebang command][^Shebang]. Accepted values are #!/bin/bash and #!/usr/bin/env sh.
    • If it is missing or having an invalid shebang command, #!/bin/bash will be prepend into generated bootstrap.
    • See [ShebangInterceptor]4 for more details.
  • It MAY have granted the execution permission.
    • As the bootstrap inside the zip file is a generated file, not the original one, so the execution permission the original file have is ignored, and the generated one's [file mode][^Unix file mode] is setting to 775.
    • See [ZipBootstrap]5 for more details.
  • If there are more than one bootstrap files having the same profile, a [DuplicateBootstrapProfileException]6 will be thrown when running.
    • See [ProjectBootstrapCollector]7 for more details.


Please PR to master branch.

If you want to perform integrate test on demo module with your modifications, just run gradle :fc-custom-runtime-packer:publishToMavenLocal.


Apache 2.0


Spring boot gradle plugin

How to get project version in custom gradle plugin


Unix file mode


  1. fc-custom-runtime-packer/src/main/java/dev/dengchao/content/interceptor/

  2. fc-custom-runtime-packer/src/main/java/dev/dengchao/bootstrap/collector/

  3. fc-custom-runtime-packer/src/main/java/dev/dengchao/bootstrap/collector/

  4. fc-custom-runtime-packer/src/main/java/dev/dengchao/content/interceptor/

  5. fc-custom-runtime-packer/src/main/java/dev/dengchao/ [^Unix file mode]:

  6. fc-custom-runtime-packer/src/main/java/dev/dengchao/bootstrap/collector/

  7. fc-custom-runtime-packer/src/main/java/dev/dengchao/bootstrap/collector/ [^Shebang]:


This is a gradle plugin used to automatically compress your bootJar with a bootstrap file into a zip.








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