Filmorate is a social network API that helps users choose movies based on what movies their friends watch and the ratings they give.
The Filmorate API provides the following features:
- Create a film
- Update a film
- Get a film by ID
- Like a film
- Unlike a film
- Get popular films
- Delete a film
- Rate a film
- Remove a film rating
- Get a list of films by director
- Search for films
- Get common favorite films between a user and their friend
- Add a user
- Update a user
- Get all users
- Get a user by ID
- Add a user as a friend
- Remove a user from friends
- Get a user's friends
- Get mutual friends between a user and another user
- Delete a user
- Get events feed for a specific user
- Get recommendations for a user
- Get all genres
- Get a genre by ID
- Get an age rating by ID
- Get all age ratings
- Add a director
- Get a director by ID
- Update a director
- Delete a director
- Get all directors
- Get helpful reviews
- Get a review by ID
- Add a review
- Update a review
- Delete a review
- Like a review
- Unlike a review
The API interface is built using Thymeleaf.
The functionality has been tested using JUnit 5 in the test
To use this API, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd filmorate-api
- Compile the Java source files:
javac *.java
Get All Films:
Get Top Films:
SELECT film_id FROM film_likes
GROUP BY film_id
ORDER BY COUNT(user_id);
Get Film By Id:
WHERE film_id={id};
Get All Users:
Get Friends List For User:
SELECT friend_id FROM user_friends
WHERE user_id={id};
Get Common Friends List:
SELECT friend_id FROM user_friends
WHERE user_id={id1}
AND friend_id IN (SELECT friend_id FROM user_friends
WHERE user_id={id2});
Get User By Id
WHERE user_id={id};
The project is developed using the following technologies:
- Java 11
- Spring Boot
- Maven
- Lambok
- JUnit
- PostgreSQL
Contributions to this project are welcome. To contribute, follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch:
git checkout -b my-branch
- Make your changes and commit them:
git commit -m 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-branch
- Submit a pull request.