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Staking Vesting Module contract (StakingVestingModule.sol)

View Source: contracts/governance/Staking/modules/StakingVestingModule.sol

↗ Extends: IFunctionsList, StakingShared

StakingVestingModule contract

Implements interaction with Vesting functionality: vesting registry, vesting staking


event ContractCodeHashAdded(bytes32  hash);
event ContractCodeHashRemoved(bytes32  hash);
event VestingStakeSet(uint256  lockedTS, uint96  value);



sets vesting registry

function setVestingRegistry(address _vestingRegistryProxy) external nonpayable onlyOwner whenNotFrozen 


Name Type Description
_vestingRegistryProxy address the address of vesting registry proxy contract
Source Code
function setVestingRegistry(address _vestingRegistryProxy) external onlyOwner whenNotFrozen {
        vestingRegistryLogic = IVestingRegistry(_vestingRegistryProxy);


Sets the users' vesting stakes for a giving lock dates and writes checkpoints.

function setVestingStakes(uint256[] lockedDates, uint96[] values) external nonpayable onlyAuthorized whenNotFrozen 


Name Type Description
lockedDates uint256[] The arrays of lock dates.
values uint96[] The array of values to add to the staked balance. TODO: remove - it was designed as a disposable function to initialize vesting checkpoints
Source Code
function setVestingStakes(uint256[] calldata lockedDates, uint96[] calldata values)
        require(lockedDates.length == values.length, "arrays mismatch"); // WS05

        uint256 length = lockedDates.length;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            _setVestingStake(lockedDates[i], values[i]);


Sets the users' vesting stake for a giving lock date and writes a checkpoint.

function _setVestingStake(uint256 lockedTS, uint96 value) internal nonpayable


Name Type Description
lockedTS uint256 The lock date.
value uint96 The value to be set. TODO: remove - it was designed as a disposable function to initialize vesting checkpoints
Source Code
function _setVestingStake(uint256 lockedTS, uint96 value) internal {
            lockedTS > kickoffTS,
            "Invalid lock dates: must greater than contract creation timestamp"

        // locked date must be multiples of 14 days / TWO_WEEKS
            (lockedTS - kickoffTS) % TWO_WEEKS == 0,
            "Invalid lock dates: not multiples of 14 days"

        // locked date must not exceed the MAX_DURATION
        if (lockedTS > block.timestamp) {
                lockedTS - block.timestamp <= MAX_DURATION,
                "Invalid lock dates: exceed max duration"

        // the value must not exceed the total staked at the given locked date
        uint32 nStakeCheckpoints = numTotalStakingCheckpoints[lockedTS];
        uint96 totalStaked = totalStakingCheckpoints[lockedTS][nStakeCheckpoints - 1].stake;
            value <= totalStaked,
            "Invalid stake amount: greater than the total staked for given date"

        uint32 nCheckpoints = numVestingCheckpoints[lockedTS];
        uint32 blockNumber;

        Checkpoint memory recentCP = vestingCheckpoints[lockedTS][nCheckpoints - 1];
        if (nCheckpoints == 0) blockNumber = uint32(block.number) - 1;
        else blockNumber = recentCP.fromBlock + 1;

        vestingCheckpoints[lockedTS][nCheckpoints] = Checkpoint(blockNumber, value);
        numVestingCheckpoints[lockedTS] = nCheckpoints + 1;

        emit VestingStakeSet(lockedTS, value);


Determine the prior number of stake for an account until a certain lock date as of a block number.

function getPriorUserStakeByDate(address account, uint256 date, uint256 blockNumber) external view


Name Type Description
account address The address of the account to check.
date uint256 The lock date. Adjusted to the next valid lock date, if necessary.
blockNumber uint256 The block number to get the vote balance at.


The number of votes the account had as of the given block.

Source Code
function getPriorUserStakeByDate(
        address account,
        uint256 date,
        uint256 blockNumber
    ) external view returns (uint96) {
        uint96 priorStake = _getPriorUserStakeByDate(account, date, blockNumber);
        // @dev we need to modify function in order to workaround issue with Vesting.withdrawTokens:
        //		return 1 instead of 0 if message sender is a contract.
        if (priorStake == 0 && _isVestingContract(msg.sender)) {
            priorStake = 1;
        return priorStake;


Determine the prior weighted vested amount for an account as of a block number. Iterate through checkpoints adding up voting power.

function getPriorVestingWeightedStake(uint256 blockNumber, uint256 date) external view
returns(votes uint96)


Name Type Description
blockNumber uint256 The block number to get the vote balance at.
date uint256 The staking date to compute the power for.


The weighted stake the account had as of the given block.

Source Code
function getPriorVestingWeightedStake(uint256 blockNumber, uint256 date)
        returns (uint96 votes)
        /// @dev If date is not an exact break point, start weight computation from the previous break point (alternative would be the next).
        uint256 start = _timestampToLockDate(date);
        uint256 end = start + MAX_DURATION;

        /// @dev Max 78 iterations.
        for (uint256 i = start; i <= end; i += TWO_WEEKS) {
            uint96 weightedStake = _weightedVestingStakeByDate(i, start, blockNumber);
            if (weightedStake > 0) {
                votes = add96(votes, weightedStake, "overflow on total weight"); // WS15


Compute the voting power for a specific date. Power = stake * weight

function weightedVestingStakeByDate(uint256 date, uint256 startDate, uint256 blockNumber) external view
returns(power uint96)


Name Type Description
date uint256 The staking date to compute the power for. Adjusted to the previous valid lock date, if necessary.
startDate uint256 The date for which we need to know the power of the stake. Adjusted to the previous valid lock date, if necessary.
blockNumber uint256 The block number, needed for checkpointing.


The stacking power.

Source Code
function weightedVestingStakeByDate(
        uint256 date,
        uint256 startDate,
        uint256 blockNumber
    ) external view returns (uint96 power) {
        date = _timestampToLockDate(date);
        startDate = _timestampToLockDate(startDate);
        power = _weightedVestingStakeByDate(date, startDate, blockNumber);


Compute the voting power for a specific date. Power = stake * weight

function _weightedVestingStakeByDate(uint256 date, uint256 startDate, uint256 blockNumber) internal view
returns(power uint96)


Name Type Description
date uint256 The staking date to compute the power for.
startDate uint256 The date for which we need to know the power of the stake.
blockNumber uint256 The block number, needed for checkpointing.


The stacking power.

Source Code
function _weightedVestingStakeByDate(
        uint256 date,
        uint256 startDate,
        uint256 blockNumber
    ) internal view returns (uint96 power) {
        uint96 staked = _getPriorVestingStakeByDate(date, blockNumber);
        if (staked > 0) {
            uint96 weight = _computeWeightByDate(date, startDate);
            power = mul96(staked, weight, "mul oveflow") / WEIGHT_FACTOR; // WS16
        } else {
            power = 0;


Determine the prior number of vested stake for an account until a certain lock date as of a block number.

function getPriorVestingStakeByDate(uint256 date, uint256 blockNumber) external view


Name Type Description
date uint256 The lock date. Adjusted to the next valid lock date, if necessary.
blockNumber uint256 The block number to get the vote balance at.


The number of votes the account had as of the given block.

Source Code
function getPriorVestingStakeByDate(uint256 date, uint256 blockNumber)
        returns (uint96)
        date = _adjustDateForOrigin(date);
        return _getPriorVestingStakeByDate(date, blockNumber);


Determine the prior number of vested stake for an account until a certain lock date as of a block number.

function _getPriorVestingStakeByDate(uint256 date, uint256 blockNumber) internal view


Name Type Description
date uint256 The lock date.
blockNumber uint256 The block number to get the vote balance at.


The number of votes the account had as of the given block.

Source Code
function _getPriorVestingStakeByDate(uint256 date, uint256 blockNumber)
        returns (uint96)
        require(blockNumber < _getCurrentBlockNumber(), "not determined"); // WS17

        uint32 nCheckpoints = numVestingCheckpoints[date];
        if (nCheckpoints == 0) {
            return 0;

        /// @dev First check most recent balance.
        if (vestingCheckpoints[date][nCheckpoints - 1].fromBlock <= blockNumber) {
            return vestingCheckpoints[date][nCheckpoints - 1].stake;

        /// @dev Next check implicit zero balance.
        if (vestingCheckpoints[date][0].fromBlock > blockNumber) {
            return 0;

        uint32 lower = 0;
        uint32 upper = nCheckpoints - 1;
        while (upper > lower) {
            uint32 center = upper - (upper - lower) / 2; /// @dev ceil, avoiding overflow.
            Checkpoint memory cp = vestingCheckpoints[date][center];
            if (cp.fromBlock == blockNumber) {
                return cp.stake;
            } else if (cp.fromBlock < blockNumber) {
                lower = center;
            } else {
                upper = center - 1;
        return vestingCheckpoints[date][lower].stake;


Add vesting contract's code hash to a map of code hashes.

function addContractCodeHash(address vesting) external nonpayable onlyAuthorized whenNotFrozen 


Name Type Description
vesting address The address of Vesting contract.
Source Code
function addContractCodeHash(address vesting) external onlyAuthorized whenNotFrozen {
        bytes32 codeHash = _getCodeHash(vesting);
        vestingCodeHashes[codeHash] = true;
        emit ContractCodeHashAdded(codeHash);


Remove vesting contract's code hash to a map of code hashes.

function removeContractCodeHash(address vesting) external nonpayable onlyAuthorized whenNotFrozen 


Name Type Description
vesting address The address of Vesting contract.
Source Code
function removeContractCodeHash(address vesting) external onlyAuthorized whenNotFrozen {
        bytes32 codeHash = _getCodeHash(vesting);
        require(vestingCodeHashes[codeHash], "not a registered vesting code hash");
        vestingCodeHashes[codeHash] = false;
        emit ContractCodeHashRemoved(codeHash);


Return flag whether the given address is a registered vesting contract.

function isVestingContract(address stakerAddress) external view


Name Type Description
stakerAddress address the address to check
Source Code
function isVestingContract(address stakerAddress) external view returns (bool) {
        bool isVesting;
        bytes32 codeHash = _getCodeHash(stakerAddress);
        if (address(vestingRegistryLogic) != address(0)) {
            isVesting = vestingRegistryLogic.isVestingAddress(stakerAddress);

        if (isVesting) return true;
        if (vestingCodeHashes[codeHash]) return true;
        return false;


Return hash of contract code

function _getCodeHash(address _contract) internal view


Name Type Description
_contract address
Source Code
function _getCodeHash(address _contract) internal view returns (bytes32) {
        bytes32 codeHash;
        assembly {
            codeHash := extcodehash(_contract)
        return codeHash;


⤾ overrides IFunctionsList.getFunctionsList

function getFunctionsList() external pure
Source Code
function getFunctionsList() external pure returns (bytes4[] memory) {
        bytes4[] memory functionsList = new bytes4[](9);
        functionsList[0] = this.setVestingRegistry.selector;
        functionsList[1] = this.setVestingStakes.selector;
        functionsList[2] = this.getPriorUserStakeByDate.selector;
        functionsList[3] = this.getPriorVestingWeightedStake.selector;
        functionsList[4] = this.getPriorVestingStakeByDate.selector;
        functionsList[5] = this.addContractCodeHash.selector;
        functionsList[6] = this.removeContractCodeHash.selector;
        functionsList[7] = this.isVestingContract.selector;
        functionsList[8] = this.weightedVestingStakeByDate.selector;
        return functionsList;
