(If you are using PyCharm, pipenv may cause some difficulties. The fork for not using pipenv is here:https://github.com/DataSciencePros/PythonDataScience)
Starter data science project using Python with common dependencies included...
Pull requests welcome...
# clone this repo to local
git clone [email protected]:DrOzturk/PythonDataScience.git
# if you don't have python 3 as default, first do this
pipenv --three
# create virtual environment with dependencies defined in Pipenv file
pipenv install
# start shell in that virtual environment
pipenv shell
If you add the new dependency using pipenv, it will be automatically added to Pipfile. ex:
pipenv install pandas
- pycodestyle : use to check if code complies with code style guide ex:
pycodestyle example_package/example.py
- Command to Create the package to distribute in dist folder -.tar.gz (like dist/example_package-0.0.1.tar.gz)
python setup.py sdist
- For More info type:
python setup.py --help-commands
- helps in module discovery using find_packages(), so we can refer to all modules without relative import
- Running all unit tests in the command line:
python -m unittest -v example_package/tests/test_example.py`
- Running a specific test in a TestExample class in test_example test module:
python -m unittest example_package.tests.test_example.TestExample.test_greater_than
find . -type f -name "*.py[co]" -delete -or -type d -name "pycache" -delete