DragonProxy 0.4-SNAPSHOT (pre-release 1)
Pre-releaseOh look, an actually updated release!?
This is the first (pre) release since the first commit of the rewrite was made by @sgdc3 on October 10th, 2018. Progress has been slow at times but we are finally at a point where it is almost ready for release.
DragonProxy has been working for quite a while already, i just didnt feel it was at a point where i could release it.
Now, on to the good stuff.
Please see the TODO List. I will update this section in the future.
You can download the attached jar file or get the latest bleeding edge build from here
Since this pre-release was made, a number of issues have been fixed. These include players being invisible and random client crashes. Please use the jenkins link above and not the release jar to make sure you don't experience these issues!
Discord: https://invite.gg/DragonetMC
Stats: https://bstats.org/plugin/server-implementation/DragonProxy