Simple JS program that will prompt you for the URL of a Medium (or any other paywalled) article you would like to read, which will then direct you to a page where you can view the contents of the article for free.
- Copy the contents of
- In a Browser, create a new Bookmark
- In the Bookmark form, first enter:
javascript: (() => {})();
- In the function block (
), paste in the code you copied fromdist/index.js
- Note: Do not add any newlines, this program must fit onto one line to be valid
javascript: (() => {const medUrl=prompt("Input the Medium Article URL you would like to view");const googCacheUrl="";let fullUrl="";if(medUrl){fullUrl=googCacheUrl+medUrl;location.assign(fullUrl)})();
- Save the bookmark
- Click on your Bookmarklet
- When prompted, enter the URL of the Medium article you want to view (Ex.,
- See that you get redirected to a page that looks like this:
Click "Text-only version"
See the full article is displayed (without pictures)
- You can create a URL searchbar shortcut like "fm" that will activate this shortcut when typed.