You can do the basic library operations like add, update, read, delete , search book (CRUD operations). In this project you will also be able to access the entie book database in 2 formats csv and json also updode in both formats(make sure to uplode it in exact same formats as you download). We use PostgreSQL in this project.
You can see a Demo of this live website at
(if you are not able to access it you can install the project locally and run it by looking at setup)
Install this project using git clone
step 1) clone the project
git clone .
step 2) setup you environment varaiables for both client and server (make one .env file in each client and server directory)
.env (client)
(you will have to put the port on which your backend will run)
.env (server)
(if you are usign local postgresql server then you will not requre last 3 environment varaiables. but additionally you will have to connect to postgresql using usign the first 5 varaiables by looking at the documentation. I have hosted my postgresql database on so I get the additional urls and psql_command)
step 3) run project
go in client directory and start frontend
npm install
npm run dev
now go to backend and start server
pip install -r requirements.txt
flask run
<Book book={book} sd={true}/>
The Book Component shows renders a single book which is passed in the prop book.
prop which is short for shortdescreption take boolen value , to render shortdescreption or not, if true renders shortdescreption else rendes long descreption.
book = {
title: string,
isbn: string,
pagecount: int,
publisheddate: date,
thumbnailurl: string,
shortdescription: string,
longdescription: string,
status: string, //either 'PUBLISHED' OR 'NOT PUBLISH'
authors: string[],
categories: string[],
paid: string,// either 'PAID' OR 'FREE'
price: int,
this is the format of book object when building a csv file or json file to uplode data in bulk please refer this once and uplode data only in the same way you downloded it.
<Navbar />
does not take any prop has two major Components one is logo and other is Search bar.
<SidebarCostum setEndDate={setEndDate} setStartDate={setStartDate} setGenre={setGenre} setOrder={setOrder}setPaid={setPaid} getQueryResult={getQueryResult} />
setStartDate, setEndDate: useState Components
takes an useState component which sets start and end date respectively.
setGenre: useState Component
takes a useState component which is to take user input for gener(string).
setOrder: useState Component
the argument it takse sets the order either ascending or decending while retreving teh query
setPaid: useState Component
the argument it takes will send either 'PAID' OR 'FREE' for querying the data
getQueryResult: Function which which will take all the requirements and get query result and send it to query page to show the desired result
<Searchbar />
does not take any proprs , when enterd a string will redirect you to results page.