This bash script automates the process of installing a Minecraft server on a Debian-based system. It installs the required dependencies, sets up the server, and provides guidance on managing it.
- Install git
sudo apt install git
- Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone
- Change into the repository directory:
cd Minecraft-Server
- Make the scripts executable
chmod +x
- Run the scripts with sudo privileges
sudo ./
After installing everything and accepting the EULA manually start a screen session
screen -S minecraft
You can view your screen sessions running
screen -ls
- After running the script, follow the prompts to install OpenJDK, 'screen', and set up the server.
- You have the option to do portions of the script at a time but they are executed in order.
- The script will fail the first time!!! You need to accept the EULA however the script will do this automatically.
Edit the server properties by opening the file with the nano text editor:
When you're ready to start your server, reattach to the 'screen' session using:
screen -r <session_ID>
Then start the server with:
java -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -jar minecraft_server_1.20.1.jar nogui
Shutdown the screen socket
screen -X -S minecraft quit
If you are interested in backing up your server files to an compatiable object storage using the AWSCLI:
Make scripts executable
chmod +x
Run the script: It is important to note you only need to run AWSCLI installation and awscli-endpoint-plugin once. It defualts to a storj endpoint. In the script just answer "yes" when it asks you to upload to storj after configureing both tools.
Remember to keep your 'screen' instance active by detaching (Ctrl + A + D) when not actively working in it. For further server starts, re-run the command provided in step 4 above.
Feel free to modify the script and instructions to fit your preferences or system requirements.
Disclaimer: Always review scripts and instructions before executing them on your system to ensure they match your environment and needs.
Compute and Virtual Machine Instances: Valdi
Object Store Provider: Storj