Bond is an open source, cross-platform framework for working with schematized data. It supports cross-language serialization/deserialization and powerful generic mechanisms for efficiently manipulating data. Bond is broadly used at Microsoft in high scale services.
Bond is published on GitHub at
For details, see the User's Manuals:
- C++
- C#
- Java
- Python
- Bond-over-gRPC
, the Bond compiler/codegen tool- See also
the compiler library that
- See also
the compiler library that
For a discussion how Bond compares to similar frameworks see Why Bond.
Bond C++ library requires some C++11 features (currently limited to those supported bv Visual C++ 2013); a C++11 compiler is required. Additionally, to build Bond you will need CMake (3.1+), Haskell Stack (1.5.1+) and Boost (1.61+).
Additionally, Bond requires RapidJSON and optionally requires gRPC. The Bond repository primarily uses Git submodules for these two dependencies. It should be cloned with the --recursive
git clone --recursive
If you already have RapidJSON and would like to build against it, add argument -DBOND_FIND_RAPIDJSON=TRUE
to the CMake invocation. It will use find_package(RapidJSON). If you do not provide a RapidJSON library, Bond will also install RapidJSON.
If you do not wish to build the gRPC component, add argument -DBOND_ENABLE_GRPC=FALSE
to the CMake invocation.
Following are specific instructions for building on various platforms.
Bond must be built with C++11 compiler. We test with Clang (3.8) and GNU C++ (5.4). We recommend Clang as it's faster with template-heavy code like Bond.
Run the following commands to install the minimal set of packages needed to build the core Bond library on Ubuntu 14.04:
sudo apt-get install \
clang \
cmake \
zlib1g-dev \
libboost-dev \
Additionally, you need the Haskell Tool Stack. If your distro isn't shipping a new enough version of it, you may encounter some non-obvious build failures, so we recommend installing the latest Stack outside of package management:
curl -sSL | sh
In the root bond
directory run:
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install
The build
directory is just an example. Any directory can be used as the
build destination.
In order to build the Bond Python module, all the C++/Python tests and examples, and Bond-over-gRPC, a few more packages are needed.
sudo apt-get install \
autoconf \
build-essential \
golang \
libboost-date-time-dev \
libboost-python-dev \
libboost-test-dev \
libtool \
CMake needs to be re-run with different options. This can be done after building just the core libraries: the build tree will simply be updated with the new options.
cd build # or wherever you ran CMake before
Running the following command in the build directory will build and execute all the tests and examples:
make --jobs 8 check
sudo make install # To install the other libraries just built
(The unit tests are large so you may want to run 4-8 build jobs in parallel, assuming you have enough memory.)
Install Xcode and then run the following command to install the required packages using Homebrew (
brew install \
cmake \
haskell-stack \
boost \
(boost-python is optional and only needed for Python support.)
Bond can be built on macOS using either standard *nix makefiles or Xcode. In
order to generate and build from makefiles, in the root bond
directory run:
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install
Alternatively, you can generate Xcode projects by passing the -G Xcode
to cmake:
You can build and run unit tests by building the check
target in Xcode or by
running make in the build directory:
make --jobs 8 check
Note that if you are using Homebrew's Python, you'll need to build boost-python from source:
brew install --build-from-source boost-python
and tell cmake the location of Homebrew's libpython by setting the
variable, e.g.:
cmake .. \
Install the following tools:
- Visual Studio 2013, 2015, or 2017
- VS2017 is required to build C# Bond from source
- .NET Core SDK (
- Alternative to VS2017 for building C# Bond from source
- CMake (
- Haskell Stack (
If you are building on a network behind a proxy, set the environment variable
, e.g.:
set HTTP_PROXY=http://your-proxy-name:80
Now you are ready to build the C# version of Bond. Open the solution file
in Visual Studio and build as usual. The C# unit tests can
also be run from within the solution.
To build using the .NET Core SDK:
dotnet restore cs\cs.sln
dotnet msbuild cs\cs.sln
The C++ and Python versions of Bond additionally require:
- Boost 1.61+ (
- Python 2.7 (
You may need to set the environment variables BOOST_ROOT
to specify where Boost and its pre-built libraries for your environment (MSVC 12 or MSVC 14) can be
found, e.g.:
set BOOST_ROOT=D:\boost_1_61_0
set BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=D:\boost_1_61_0\lib64-msvc-14.0
The core Bond library and most examples only require Boost headers. The pre-built libraries are only needed for unit tests, Python, and gRPC support. If Boost or Python libraries are not found on the system, then some tests and examples will not be built.
In order to generate a solution to build the Bond Core C++ and Python with Visual
Studio 2015 run the following commands from the root bond
mkdir build
cd build
set PreferredToolArchitecture=x64
cmake -DBOND_ENABLE_GRPC=FALSE -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" ..
Setting PreferredToolArchitecture=x64
selects the 64-bit toolchain which
dramatically improves build speed. (The Bond unit tests are too big to build
with 32-bit tools.)
Instead of cmake
you can also use cmake-gui
and specify configuration
settings in the UI. This configuration step has to be performed only once. From
then on you can use the generated solution build\bond.sln
from Visual Studio
or build from command line using cmake
cmake --build . --target
cmake --build . --target INSTALL
In order to build and execute the unit tests and examples run:
cmake --build . --target check -- /maxcpucount:8
To build Bond's gRPC++ integration from source, some of gRPC's prerequisites are also needed:
choco install activeperl golang ninja yasm
You will also need to enable gRPC in the cmake
configuration step by running the following
in the build
directory from above and then following the other cmake
commands above:
cmake -DBOND_ENABLE_GRPC=TRUE -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" ..
Interested in contributing to Bond? Take a look at our contribution guidelines to get started.