The ECCO logo in different color and format variations.
ECCO logo variations, PowerPoint format
ECCO logo variations, pdf format
Scalable Vector Graphics file containing layers with different elements of the ECCO logo (background images,
text, center logo, etc.)
Note: install Futura Font 'furtura medium bt' before opening
* Can be opened/edited with InkScape and Adobe Illustrator
individual ECCO logo variations for black backgrounds, pdf format
individual ECCO logo variations for white backgrounds, pdf format
Code to generate the background SSH + sea-ice.
Requires files in /SSH and sea-ice data
and a few nonstandard libraries (cmocean, xarray)
SSH, sea-ice concentration, and sea-ice thickness fields
used in the generation of the background images.
Required to be in lat-lon format.
These files are from ECCOv4r4
background SSH + sea-ice images generated by Python script
using the data in /SSH and sea-ice data
True Type Futura Font 'futura medium bt' must be installed for the .svg version of logo master file.
Futura doesn't come pre-installed on some machines. fonts download from