A Minecraft Bot written in JavaScript using Mineflayer.
- Node.js installed on your system.
- Clone the repository or download the source code.
- Navigate to the project directory.
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
enter the bot's Username hereauth:
Microsoft for Premium accounts, Offline for cracked.
- Open webhook.js
- Enter the WebHook URL's in
let webHookURL = 'here'
let playersWebHookURL = 'here'
let chatWebHookURL = 'here'
- Start the bot by running this in your terminal:
node src/index.mjs
- The bot has a few options:
activate experimental features--noLog
disable autoLog and logWhenNoTotem--debugMode
display more debug-things
: Displays a list of available commands.!players
: Lists all online players.!quit
: Exits the bot and terminates the process.!info
: Displays information about the server and the bot.!invsee
: Shows the bot's inventory.!follow <player>
: Follows the specified player.!stopfollow
: Stops following the current player.!goto <x> <y> <z>
: Moves the bot to the specified coordinates.!pos
: Displays the bot's current position.!drop <item_name> <amount>
: Drops the specified amount of the specified item.!rejoin
: Rejoins the server.!stop
: Stops the bot's current action.!tp <to|axis> <target|offset> <fly>
: Teleports the bot to a target or offset.!tfly
: Toggles flight mode.!attack <player>
: Attacks the specified player.!scs <sneak, jump, sprint, left, right, forward, back> <true, false>
: Sets the bot's control state.!range
: See players in the bots render distance.!equip <item_name> <slot>
: Equips the specified item in the specified slot (hand, head, chest, legs, feet, off-hand).!mb
: Displays the Minebot NEO logo and version information.
: Displays help information.!cmd
: Lists all available commands or gets info about a specific command.!follow
: Makes the bot follow you (trusted users only).!stopfollow
: Makes the bot stop following you (trusted users only).!quit
: Makes the bot quit (trusted users only).!say <message>
: Makes the bot say a message (trusted users only).!players
: Lists online players.!pos
: Shows the bot's current position (trusted users only).!goto <x> <y> <z>
: Makes the bot go to specified coordinates (trusted users only).!tp <to|axis> <target|offset> <fly>
: Teleports the bot to a target or offset (trusted users only).!drop <item_name> <amount>
: Drops specified item (trusted users only).!attack <target> <mace> <attacks>
: Attacks a target (trusted users only).!equip <item_name> <slot>
: Equips an item (trusted users only).!range
: Lists players in range (trusted users only).!scs <'forward', 'back', 'left', 'right', 'jump', 'sprint', 'sneak'> <true/false>
: Sets control state (trusted users only).!basehunt
: Goes basehunting.!pearl
: Activates a stasis chamber (only for stasis chamber owners).
I assume no responsibility for any damage caused by this Bot