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feat: implement phase accumulator for each wave
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Elizabeth-0 committed Feb 20, 2025
1 parent 0926092 commit ba4d73b
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Showing 3 changed files with 117 additions and 176 deletions.
219 changes: 104 additions & 115 deletions src/tt_um_waves.v
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Expand Up @@ -110,22 +110,27 @@ module tt_um_waves (

// Clock Divider to generate `wave_clk`
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
/*always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
if (!rst_n) begin
clk_div <= 0;
wave_clk <= 0;
end else if (ena) begin
if (clk_div >= freq_divider) begin
clk_div <= 0;
wave_clk <= ~wave_clk; // Toggle waveform clock
end else begin
clk_div <= clk_div + 1;
end else if (clk_div >= freq_divider) begin
clk_div <= 0;
wave_clk <= ~wave_clk; // Toggle `wave_clk` every `freq_divider` cycles
end else begin
clk_div <= clk_div + 1;

// Phase accumulator for all waveforms
reg [7:0] phase_accum;
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
if (!rst_n)
phase_accum <= 8'd0;
else if (ena)
phase_accum <= phase_accum + freq_select[7:0]; // Increment based on frequency

// UART Receiver
uart_receiver uart_rx_inst (
Expand All @@ -144,16 +149,18 @@ module tt_um_waves (
encoder #(.WIDTH(8), .INCREMENT(1), .MAX_VALUE(255), .MIN_VALUE(0)) release_encoder (.clk(clk), .rst_n(rst_n), .a(uio_in[6]), .b(uio_in[7]), .value(rel), .ena(ena));

// Wave generators with frequency control
// Wave generators
wire [7:0] tri_wave_out, saw_wave_out, sqr_wave_out, sine_wave_out;
wire [7:0] noise_out;
triangular_wave_generator triangle_gen (.clk(wave_clk), .rst_n(rst_n), .freq_select(freq_divider), .wave_out(tri_wave_out), .ena(ena));
sawtooth_wave_generator saw_gen (.clk(wave_clk), .rst_n(rst_n), .freq_select(freq_divider), .wave_out(saw_wave_out), .ena(ena));
square_wave_generator sqr_gen (.clk(wave_clk), .rst_n(rst_n), .freq_select(freq_divider), .wave_out(sqr_wave_out), .ena(ena));
sine_wave_generator sine_gen (.clk(wave_clk), .rst_n(rst_n), .freq_select(freq_divider), .wave_out(sine_wave_out), .ena(ena));

// Square Wave Generator
square_wave_generator sqr_gen (.clk(clk),.rst_n(rst_n),.ena(ena),.phase(phase_accum), .wave_out(sqr_wave_out));
triangular_wave_generator tri_gen (.clk(clk), .rst_n(rst_n),.ena(ena), .phase(phase_accum), .wave_out(tri_wave_out));
sawtooth_wave_generator saw_gen (.clk(clk),.rst_n(rst_n),.ena(ena),.phase(phase_accum), .wave_out(saw_wave_out));
white_noise_generator noise_gen (.clk(wave_clk), .rst_n(rst_n), .noise_out(noise_out), .ena(white_noise_en & ena));

cordic_sine_generator sine_gen (.clk(clk),.rst_n(rst_n),.ena(ena),.phase(phase_accum), .sine_out(sine_wave_out));

// Select waveform output
reg [7:0] selected_wave;
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -414,98 +421,108 @@ endmodule

module sine_wave_generator (
input wire ena, // Enable signal
input wire clk, // Clock
input wire rst_n, // Active-low reset
input wire [31:0] freq_select, // Frequency selection (32 bits)
output reg [7:0] wave_out // 8-bit sine wave output
module cordic_sine_generator (
input wire clk, // System clock
input wire rst_n, // Active-low reset
input wire ena, // Enable signal
input wire [7:0] phase, // Input phase (0-255 mapped to 0-2π)
output reg [7:0] sine_out // Output sine wave (8-bit)

reg [7:0] counter; // Counter for the sine table index
reg [31:0] clk_div; // Clock divider (32-bit)
reg [7:0] sine_table [0:255]; // Lookup table for sine wave
// CORDIC Parameters
parameter ITERATIONS = 10;
parameter SCALE_FACTOR = 16'h26DD; // 0.60725 in Q1.15 format

// Lookup table for atan(2^-i) in Q1.15 format
reg signed [15:0] atan_table [0:ITERATIONS-1];
initial begin
atan_table[0] = 16'h3244; // atan(2^0)
atan_table[1] = 16'h1DAC; // atan(2^-1)
atan_table[2] = 16'h0FAD; // atan(2^-2)
atan_table[3] = 16'h07F5; // atan(2^-3)
atan_table[4] = 16'h03FE; // atan(2^-4)
atan_table[5] = 16'h01FF; // atan(2^-5)
atan_table[6] = 16'h00FF; // atan(2^-6)
atan_table[7] = 16'h007F; // atan(2^-7)
atan_table[8] = 16'h003F; // atan(2^-8)
atan_table[9] = 16'h001F; // atan(2^-9)

// Cargar la tabla desde un archivo externo
initial $readmemh("sine_table.mem", sine_table);
// Registers for CORDIC iterations
reg signed [15:0] x, y, z;
reg signed [15:0] x_next, y_next, z_next;
integer i;

always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
if (!rst_n) begin
counter <= 8'd0;
clk_div <= 32'd0;
wave_out <= 8'd0;
sine_out <= 8'd128; // Default mid-point
end else if (ena) begin
if (clk_div >= freq_select - 1) begin
clk_div <= 32'd0;
counter <= (counter == 8'd255) ? 8'd0 : counter + 1; // Asegurar wrap-around
wave_out <= sine_table[counter]; // Leer la ROM
end else begin
clk_div <= clk_div + 1;
// Initial vector (1,0) scaled by K (0.60725 in Q1.15)
y = 0;
z = {phase, 8'b0}; // Scale phase to Q1.15

// CORDIC Iterations
for (i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i = i + 1) begin
if (z < 0) begin
x_next = x + (y >>> i);
y_next = y - (x >>> i);
z_next = z + atan_table[i];
end else begin
x_next = x - (y >>> i);
y_next = y + (x >>> i);
z_next = z - atan_table[i];
x = x_next;
y = y_next;
z = z_next;

// Convert output from Q1.15 format to 8-bit
sine_out <= y[15:8] + 8'd128; // Shift and bias for unsigned output

module square_wave_generator (
input wire ena, // Enable signal
input wire clk, // Clock
input wire rst_n, // Active-low reset
input wire [31:0] freq_select, // Frequency selection (now 32 bits)
output reg [7:0] wave_out // 8-bit square wave output
input wire ena,
input wire clk,
input wire rst_n,
input wire [7:0] phase, // Use phase_accum instead of wave_clk
output reg [7:0] wave_out

reg wave_state;
reg [31:0] clk_div; // 32-bit clock divider

always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
if (!rst_n) begin
clk_div <= 32'd0;
wave_state <= 1'b0;
if (!rst_n)
wave_out <= 8'd0;
end else if (ena) begin
if (clk_div >= freq_select - 1) begin // Solo actualizar cuando se cumple la frecuencia
clk_div <= 32'd0;
wave_state <= ~wave_state; // Cambiar estado de la onda
wave_out <= wave_state ? 8'd255 : 8'd0; // Alternar entre 0 y 255
end else begin
clk_div <= clk_div + 1;
else if (ena)
wave_out <= phase[7] ? 8'd255 : 8'd0; // High for first half, low for second half

module sawtooth_wave_generator (
input wire ena, // Enable signal
input wire clk, // Clock
input wire rst_n, // Active-low reset
input wire [31:0] freq_select, // Frequency selection (32 bits)
output reg [7:0] wave_out // 8-bit sawtooth wave output
input wire ena,
input wire clk,
input wire rst_n,
input wire [7:0] phase, // Use phase_accum instead of wave_clk
output reg [7:0] wave_out

reg [7:0] counter;
reg [31:0] clk_div; // 32-bit clock divider

always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
if (!rst_n) begin
counter <= 8'd0;
clk_div <= 32'd0;
if (!rst_n)
wave_out <= 8'd0;
end else if (ena) begin
if (clk_div >= freq_select - 1) begin
clk_div <= 32'd0;
counter <= (counter == 8'd255) ? 8'd0 : counter + 1; // Evita desbordamiento
wave_out <= counter;
end else begin
clk_div <= clk_div + 1;
else if (ena)
wave_out <= phase; // Directly use phase as sawtooth wave

module adsr_generator (
input wire ena, // Enable signal
input wire clk, // Clock
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -584,50 +601,22 @@ endmodule

module triangular_wave_generator (
input wire ena, // Enable signal
input wire clk, // Clock
input wire rst_n, // Active-low reset
input wire [31:0] freq_select, // Frequency selection (now 32 bits)
output reg [7:0] wave_out // 8-bit triangular wave output
input wire ena,
input wire clk,
input wire rst_n,
input wire [7:0] phase, // Use phase_accum instead of wave_clk
output reg [7:0] wave_out

reg [7:0] counter;
reg direction;
reg [31:0] clk_div; // 32-bit clock divider

always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
if (!rst_n) begin
counter <= 8'd0;
direction <= 1'b1; // Inicia incrementando
clk_div <= 32'd0;
wave_out <= 8'd0;
end else if (ena) begin
if (clk_div >= freq_select - 1) begin
clk_div <= 32'd0;

// Verify limits
if (counter == 8'd255) begin
direction <= 1'b0; // Change to decrement
end else if (counter == 8'd0) begin
direction <= 1'b1; // Change to increment

// Counter update based on dircetion
if (direction) begin
counter <= counter + 1; // Increment
end else begin
counter <= counter - 1; // Decrement

// Update output
wave_out <= counter;
end else begin
clk_div <= clk_div + 1;
if (!rst_n)
wave_out <= 8'd0;
else if (ena)
wave_out <= phase[7] ? (8'd255 - phase[6:0] << 1) : (phase[6:0] << 1);

module encoder #(
parameter WIDTH = 8, // Ancho del contador
parameter INCREMENT = 1'b1, // Valor de incremento
Expand Down
27 changes: 6 additions & 21 deletions test/Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,34 +4,19 @@
# defaults
SIM ?= icarus
TOPLEVEL_LANG ?= verilog

# Update SRC_DIR path to resolve correctly
SRC_DIR = $(shell pwd)/src
PROJECT_SOURCES = tt_um_waves.v sine_table.mem

# Debugging: Print the value of SRC_DIR
@echo "SRC_DIR is: $(SRC_DIR)"
SRC_DIR = $(PWD)/../src
PROJECT_SOURCES = tt_um_waves.v

ifneq ($(GATES),yes)

# RTL simulation:
SIM_BUILD = sim_build/rtl
SIM_BUILD = sim_build/rtl

# Ensure sine_table.mem is copied to the correct simulation directory
all: $(SIM_BUILD)/sine_table.mem

prepare_files: $(SIM_BUILD)/sine_table.mem

$(SIM_BUILD)/sine_table.mem: $(SRC_DIR)/sine_table.mem
@echo "Copying sine_table.mem to simulation directory..."
mkdir -p $(SIM_BUILD)
cp $< $@


# Gate level simulation:
SIM_BUILD = sim_build/gl
SIM_BUILD = sim_build/gl
Expand All @@ -46,7 +31,7 @@ VERILOG_SOURCES += $(PWD)/gate_level_netlist.v

# Allow sharing configuration between design and testbench via `include`:

# Include the testbench sources:
Expand All @@ -56,4 +41,4 @@ TOPLEVEL = tb
MODULE = test

# include cocotb's make rules to take care of the simulator setup
include $(shell cocotb-config --makefiles)/Makefile.sim
include $(shell cocotb-config --makefiles)/Makefile.sim

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