Releases: EnergyAssetOptimization/EAO
New assets
Split optimization
Added functionality to break optimization into smaller chunks. E.g. to perform an optimization for each week in a year
Changes to CHPAsset ramps
Update to the conversion of start and shutdown ramps in CHPAsset
Added CHP Asset
- Added a detailed CHP asset with startup, shutdown and ramping behaviour as well as a detailed model on heat delivery
Added periodicity & sped up building problems
Periodicity - create assets that show periodic behaviour. May help e.g. to reduce problem size where we can exploit strong periodic characteristics
Speeding up - improved vectorization and usage of numpy to speed up building optimization problems. Issue addressed was (slow) putting together the portfolio LP from asset LPs
bug fixes and amended sample
v1.1.8 version up
Added multi-timescale functionality
Each asset can come with its own timescale. Use case is an efficient optimization of assets in a portfolio that live on different time scales. Please check the sample in the documentation
Added multi commodity assets
Define assets to convert commodities (gas2power, power2x, …) and link markets for various commodities
Added MIP asset capability & storage extension
Integrated MIP capabilities:
- mappings allow for new attribute "bool" for variables --> MIP
- first example storage with "no simultaneous dispatch in & out" (requires MIP)
two node storage bugfix
bugfix two node storage related to two node storage healed a bug in block mode