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Benchmark Repository for "Scalable Automatic Differentiation of Multiple Parallel Paradigms through Compiler Augmentation", to appear in SC'22

We have introduced a composable and generic LLVM-based mechanism to differentiate a variety of parallel programming models. To illustrate the composability of Enzyme’s differentiation of parallel frameworks, we apply it to several distinct parallel variations of LULESH, and miniBUDE. We evaluate LULESH variations that use MPI, OpenMP, hybrid MPI+OpenMP, MPI.jl, and the RAJA portable parallel programming framework, written in C++ and Julia. To further compare our performance against current literature, we are comparing the automatic differentiation performance to the CoDiPack-differentiated LULESH. Our evaluation on miniBUDE was designed to validate our automatic differentiation performance claims on LULESH on a second, distinct application, as well as testing Enzyme’s ability to automatically differentiate Julia’s shared-memory parallelism. We evaluate an OpenMP version in C++, and a Julia-version utilizing tasks. To differentiate both two Julia codes, we extend Enzyme.jl, Enzyme’s Julia bindings. Because Enzyme is a tool that takes arbitrary existing code as LLVM IR and computes the derivative (and gradient) of that function, LLVM is a prerequisite for Enzyme. The particular LLVM built here enables turning on/off OpenMP optimizations for an ablation analysis.

Evaluation of Enzyme upon these benchmarks allowed the paper to validate our automatic differentiation performance claims of both efficiency and scalability. As such, the original (referred to as the primal) and differentiated versions of these benchmarks were evaluated on varying thread counts and ranks, as well

1. Machine

Experiments for the paper were run on an AWS c6i.metal instance with hyper-threading and Turbo Boost disabled, running Ubuntu 20.04 running on a dual-socket Intel Xeon Platinum 8375C CPU at 2.9 GHz with 32 cores each and 256 GB RAM.

2. Obtaining the code

All the codes and benchmarks are available on Github in this repository. We first obtain the code:

cd $HOME
git clone --recursive
cd enzyme-sc22

This repository contains submodules for the benchmarks and codes listed below.

To evaluate the artifact, we offer several options.

2-A Download CI Artifacts

You can download the build artifacts from this repository's CI. Every push to this repository will automatically build, test, and upload all the benchmarks (see for the precise build commands). One can download the benchmarks built by CI by selecting the “Actions” tab, selecting the latest build of the corresponding benchmark, and clicking the binary below the “Artifacts” header. One may then skip the rest of the section that involves downloading or building the experiments. Note that the binary is built on Ubuntu X86 and one will need a compatible system (e.g. not ARM, not macOS, to run the prebuilt binary from CI).

2-B Docker

You may use a pre-built docker image (wsmoses/enzymesc22). The docker image can then be invoked with the following command:

sudo docker run --privileged -it wsmoses/enzymesc22:latest /bin/bash

We begin by installing OpenMPI and Julia and build LLVM and Enzyme.

2-C Build From Source

This procedure for building the compilers and tests from source is outlined below.


Our tests with MPI require OpenMPI which can be obtained in Ubuntu using the following command.

sudo apt-get install -y autoconf cmake gcc g++ gfortran ninja-build libopenmpi-dev numactl


The Lulesh.jl and miniBUDE.jl tests were run using Julia 1.7. Julia at this version must be found in your path before being able to run the Julia tests. To obtain a working Julia installation see and follow the provided installation instructions. You can add julia executable to the PATH variable using:

export PATH=/home/ubuntu/julia-1.7.3/bin/:$PATH


We first need to build the LLVM compiler toolchain before we can subsequently link the compiler plugin of Enzyme against our built LLVM version. For our compiler toolchain we used a fork of LLVM 15 (main) which enables OpenMPOpt to be completely disabled. To install LLVM, please follow the following steps:

cd $HOME/enzyme-sc22/llvm-project
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../llvm -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="llvm;clang;openmp" -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD=X86
# This may take a while
# clang is now be available in llvm-project/build/bin/clang


We now must build Enzyme based off of our chosen LLVM version.

cd $HOME/enzyme-sc22/Enzyme/enzyme
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLLVM_DIR=../../../llvm-project/build
# will now be available in Enzyme/enzyme/build/Enzyme/

To aid in the building of the benchmarks, it is necessary to setup two environment variables.

export ENZYME_PATH=$HOME/enzyme-sc22/Enzyme/enzyme/build/Enzyme/
export CLANG_PATH=$HOME/enzyme-sc22/llvm-project/build/bin


The following commands can be used to build all the executables for LULESH C++ tests.

cd $HOME/enzyme-sc22/LULESH-CPP
make -j
# Binaries available in enzyme-sc22/LULESH-CPP
# ser-single-forward.exe
# ser-single-gradient.exe
# omp-single-forward.exe
# omp-single-gradient.exe
# ompM-single-forward.exe
# ompM-single-gradient.exe
# ompOpt-single-forward.exe
# ompOpt-single-gradient.exe


The following commands can be used to build all the executables for LULESH RAJA tests.

cd $HOME/enzyme-sc22/LULESH-RAJA
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G Ninja -DENABLE_OPENMP=ON -DLLVM_BUILD=$CLANG_PATH/.. -DENZYME=$ENZYME_PATH -DMPI_INCLUDE=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/include
# Binaries available in LULESH-RAJA/build/bin
# lulesh-v2.0-RAJA-seq.exe
# lulesh-v2.0-RAJA-seq-grad.exe
# lulesh-v2.0-RAJA-omp.exe
# lulesh-v2.0-RAJA-omp-gradient.exe
# lulesh-v2.0-RAJA-ompOpt.exe
# lulesh-v2.0-RAJA-ompOpt-gradient.exe
# lulesh-v2.0-RAJA-seq-mpi.exe
# lulesh-v2.0-RAJA-seq-mpi-grad.exe


You may then need to explicitly run various setup routines within Julia’s package manager. To fix the Julia setup for the test, perform the following to enter an interactive shell.

cd $HOME/enzyme-sc22/LULESH.jl
julia --project -e "import Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()"
julia --project
    julia> import MPI
    julia> MPI.install_mpiexecjl(;destdir=".",force=true)
# The `mpiexecjl` executable should now
# exist in $HOME/enzyme-sc22/LULESH.jl


The following commands can be used to build all the CoDiPack versions of LULESH.

cd $HOME/enzyme-sc22/CODI-LULESH/lulesh-forward
# Binaries available in CODI-LULESH/lulesh-forward/
# lulesh2.0
cd $HOME/enzyme-sc22/CODI-LULESH/lulesh-gradient
# Binaries available in CODI-LULESH/lulesh-gradient/
# lulesh2.0


The following commands can be used to build all the executables.

cd $HOME/enzyme-sc22/BUDE/openmp
make -j
# Binaries available in enzyme-sc22/BUDE/openmp
# ./ser-single-forward.exe
# ./ser-single-gradient.exe
# ./omp-single-forward.exe
# ./omp-single-gradient.exe
# ./ompOpt-single-forward.exe
# ./ompOpt-single-gradient.exe


The following commands can be used to build all the executables.

cd $HOME/enzyme-sc22/BUDE/miniBUDE.jl/
julia --project=Threaded -e "import Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()"
#No executables are created

3. Evaluation of Benchmarks

3-A Disabling/Enabling Hyperthreading

To obtain reproducible results that are not subject to oddities resulting from thread mapping, we recommend the disabling of hyperthreading, if appropriate for the particular test case being run. We have provided two scripts that can be easily edited for this purpose. Note that these scripts assume the use of the same dual-socket 32-core per CPU machine and can be modified to disable the appropriate cores for a different machine. They can be run as follows:

cd $HOME/enzyme-sc22


cd $HOME/enzyme-sc22

3-B Executing Benchmarks

Once the preliminary setup is complete, we can now enter one of the test directories, build, and run the corresponding benchmark.

We have created Python3 scripts for running all the executables and performing scaling analyses. The python scripts run the executables at different MPI rank and OpenMP thread counts, corresponding to the experiments we performed in the paper. The raw timing numbers for the graphs presented in the paper are thus reproduced by running the experiments using the provided scripts on the test machine. If running on a machine of a different size, these scripts can be edited to use the available number of cores on your machine.

After executing a benchmark, the raw data output from evaluating the benchmarks is contained in .txt files labeled with the parameters (rank/thread count/problem size/etc) of the individual test, like below:

$ cat omp-mpi-forward_1_2_100_48.txt 
Running problem size 48^3 per domain until completion
Num processors: 1
Num threads: 2
Total number of elements: 110592 

To run other sizes, use -s <integer>.
To run a fixed number of iterations, use -i <integer>.
To run a more or less balanced region set, use -b <integer>.
To change the relative costs of regions, use -c <integer>.
To print out progress, use -p
To write an output file for VisIt, use -v
See help (-h) for more options

Run completed:
   Problem size        =  48
   MPI tasks           =  1
   Iteration count     =  100
   Final Origin Energy =  5.417664e+06
   Testing Plane 0 of Energy Array on rank 0:
        MaxAbsDiff   = 2.328306e-10
        TotalAbsDiff = 1.139172e-09
        MaxRelDiff   =         -nan

Elapsed time         =          4 (s)
Grind time (us/z/c)  = 0.36487352 (per dom)  ( 4.0352092 overall)
FOM                  =  2740.6758 (z/s)

The use of a helper Python3 script will create a results.txt file which will summarize all of the corresponding tests in that directory, with first the runtime for the original code, followed by the derivative code.

$ python3 
$ cat results.txt 
1,2,48,       4
8,2,48,      14
27,2,48,      43
1,2,48,      37
8,2,48,      80
27,2,48, 2.2e+02


To run the evaluation:

cd $HOME/enzyme-sc22/LULESH-CPP/bench/
cd omp-mpi
# output of benchmark times in results.txt
cd ../omp-single
# output of benchmark times in results.txt
cd ../ompOpt-single
# output of benchmark times in results.txt
cd ../ser-mpi-strong-scaling
# output of benchmark times in results.txt
cd ../ser-mpi-weak-scaling
# output of benchmark times in results.txt


To run the evaluation:

cd $HOME/enzyme-sc22/LULESH-RAJA/bench
cd omp-mpi
# output of benchmark times in results.txt
cd ../omp-single
# output of benchmark times in results.txt
cd ../ompOpt-single
# output of benchmark times in results.txt
cd ../ser-mpi-strong-scaling
# output of benchmark times in results.txt
cd ../ser-mpi-weak-scaling
# output of benchmark times in results.txt


To run the evaluation:

cd $HOME/enzyme-sc22/LULESH.jl/bench/
cd ser-mpi-strong-scaling
# output of benchmark times in results.txt
cd ../ser-mpi-weak-scaling
# output of benchmark times in results.txt


To run the evaluation:

cd $HOME/enzyme-sc22/CODI-LULESH/bench/
cd ser-mpi-strong-scaling
# output of benchmark times in results.txt
cd ../ser-mpi-weak-scaling


We have created a Python3 script for running all the executables and performing scaling analysis.

cd $HOME/enzyme-sc22/BUDE/openmp/bench
cd omp-single
# output of benchmark times in results.txt
cd ../ompOpt-single
# output of benchmark times in results.txt


We have created a Python3 script for running all the executables and performing scaling analysis.

cd $HOME/enzyme-sc22/BUDE/miniBUDE.jl/bench/
cd thread-strong-scaling
# output of benchmark times in results.txt