Releases: FirstGearGames/FishNet
Releases · FirstGearGames/FishNet
- Fixed regression of sceneIds not being set/read at runtime properly.
- Added NetworkCollision/2D.Layers to inspector.
- Improved NetworkHudCanvas got a new look!
- Added ChildTransformTickSmoother.Teleport(). Commonly used through networkObject.PredictionSmoother.Teleport().
- Improved UseGlobalCustomSerializerAttribute now also works on interfaces.
- Improved efficiency of sceneId setting logic.
- Fixed typo in virtual method name (#682).
- Fixed changed SyncVars not sending to late joiners (#683).
- Fixed SyncVars changed prior to network initialization as clientHost only invoking callback for server (#661).
- Reverted a commit not yet intended for release.
- Improved error message details when incorrectly using predicted spawning.
- Added TickNetworkBehaviour to allow easy override of tick callbacks.
A work-in-progress commit was mistakenly merged into the release branch causing subtle breaks. Because of this the files for this version were removed.
- Fixed replicates occasionally running as Created when not while prediction interpolation buffer was depleted.
- Added SyncBase.CanInvokeCallbackAsServer() for custom SyncTypes to check if they can invoke asServer true when applying values.
- Fixed runtime errors in Yak when importing Fishnet free over Pro.
- Changed NetworkObject.AdaptiveInterpolation forced to off while it's under further development.
- Improved reduced initialization allocations in NetworkBehaviours.
- Improved NetworkTransform performance slightly (#673).
- Fixed NetworkTransform disabling CharacterController via Configuration settings when server with no owner.
- Fixed conditional packet corruption from improperly parsed prediction reconciles.
- Improved Object/CollectionCaches now use TryPop.
- Changed SyncType.Dirty is now protected to prevent incorrect use. Use Dirty(obj) and DirtyAll() (#674).
- Fixed clients incorrectly receiving SyncVar callbacks when value was set in awake.
- Fixed PredictionRigidbody2D not read/writing rigidbody state (#675).
- Added PredictionManager.StateInterpolation which applies a state buffer to server and clients.
- Changed PredictionManager.Client/ServerInterpolation consolidated as StateInterpolation.
- Fixed rpc hash collision error caused by inheritence while using methods with multiple RPC attributes.
- Fixed hotpath allocation in PredictionRigidbody2D.
- Fixed NetworkAnimator.SynchronizeWhenDisabled breaking the component.
- Improved NetworkObject prediction smoothing for owner.
- Improved NetworkObject prediction smoothing for spectators when Adaptive Interpolation is off.
- Fixed NetworkObject prediction smoother not deinitializing as host when objects were unexpectedly destroyed.
- Improved NetworkCollider/2D now use current physics scene rather than global.
- Fixed hotpath allocation in PredictionRigidbody.
- Added ReadUnallocatedAttribute which makes generated readers pull from caches for classes.
- Fixed prediction replaying 1 additional tick.
- Fixed typo in a SceneManager warn message causing it to not display complete information.
- Changed AllowPredictedSpawning and ReservedObjectIds moved from PredictionManager to ServerManager for future proofing.
- Changed PredictionManager.Interpolation renamed to ClientInterpolation.
- Added PredictionManager.ServerInterpolation(not yet functional).
- Added ClientManager.IsServerDevelopment. This is true if the server notified client it's on a development build.
- Fixed NetworkBehaviour start/stop callbacks firing out of order or not at all under certain conditions as clientHost (#652).
- Fixed instantiated nested NetworkObject transform properties being wrong under certain conditions (#660).
- Added NetworkAnimator.SynchronizeWhenDisbaled.
- Added more Multipass methods to update transport settings.
- Improved PredictionRigidbody now also writes the RigidbodyState.
- Added NetworkObject.DetachGraphicalObject for prediction.
- Fixed RigidbodyPauser causing physics casts to fail on paused objects.
- Obsoleted several RollbackManager methods in favor of simplified versions.
- Improved RollbackManager XML.
- Improved Added Unity.Mathmatics to excluded codegen assemblies.
- Added NetworkObject.AdaptiveInterpolation.
- Added NetworkObject.SpectatorInterpolation, seen when adaptive interpolation is off.
- Added NetworkObject.SmoothedProperties.
- Added NetworkObject.PredictionSmoother.
- Added several API for AdaptiveLocalTransformTickSmoother (PredictionSmoother).
- Added MoveRates.Move methods which utilize TransformPropertyFlag.
- Changed BasicQueue moved from FishNet utilities to GameKit utiltiies.
- Added IncludeSerialization attribute types not explicitly used in networking code, but need generated serializers
- Added TimeManager.Get/SetPhysicsTimeScale.
- Improved fixed LiteNetLib not re-using peerIds.
- Improved updated Tugboat to the latest LiteNetLib.
- Improved NetworkManager now automatically sets spawnable prefabs to DefaultPrefabObjects if not already specified.
- Fixed prediction 1 codegen failing to find reconcile method.
- Removed VERSION.txt file.
- Added server now validates clients FishNet version; this is intended for development, not security.
- Fixed NetworkObject.GraphicalObject incorrectly updating graphical localScale to root value.
- Fixed invalid connection Id error when using Yak.
- Changed exposed NetworkTransform.ParentBehaviour.
- Changed TimeManager.AllowTickDropping default to true.
- Changed TimeManager.MaximumFrameTicks default from 2 to 3.
- Fixed removed debug from SyncDictionary.
- Improved XML on NetworkCollider/2D.
- Added AdditionalSize to all NetworkCollider/2D components.
- Improved Yak will no longer show as a missing script when importing FishNet Free over Pro.
- Improved removed code analysis warnings for Yak and ColliderRollback when importing FishNet Free over Pro.
- Changed several consts names which indicated byte length from _BYTES to _LENGTH.
- Fixed NetworkTransform not synchronizing parents properly.
- Fixed prediction buffer running a varying amount of ReplayedCreated states per reconcile.
- Changed removed TimeManager Time.fixedDeltaTime change warning in favor of displaying information on component inspector.
- Changed TimeManager.AllowTickDropping now applies to server and client, previously client only.
- Changed renamed PredictionManager.QueuedInputs to Interpolation; description updated.
- Improved TimeManager.Tick accuracy significantly to always be within 1 tick or better.
- Improved client timing.
- Improved ColliderRollback average accuracy by approximately 0.015f.
- Improved updated Edgegap plugin to commit b721722.
- Added NetworkObject.GetGraphicalObject/SetGraphicalObject.
- Improved exposed DefaultObjectPool.GetOrCreateCache.
- Fixed SyncList enumerator not returning generic type (#657).
- Fixed SyncVar initial values not applying when being set within Awake (#657).
- Fixed CreateReconcile override detection failing when overriding multiple times in an inheritance chain (#646).
- Fixed NetworkTransform incorrectly calling a method twice (#655).
- Improved prediction interpolation and corrections significantly for owned and spectated objects.
- Removed prediction development demos while they are reworked.
- Fixed large Prediction 2 state updates breaking reconciles.
- Improved PredictionManager readability.
- Fixed NetworkTransform snap when changing owners on a clientAuthoritative object (#527).
- Fixed clients not parsing FullWrite of SyncTypes when reconnecting without exiting application (#639).
- Fixed SyncList not showing in the inspector when setup to.
- Removed Prediction V1 demos.
- Renamed Prediction V2 (Experimental) demos to Prediction 2.
- Fixed SyncVar.Dirty not working on non-value types (#629).
- Fixed Prediction 2 PredictionRigidbody2D.AddTorque having wrong parameters.
- Added and forced usage of Prediction 2 NetworkBehaviour.CreateReconcile.
- Improved exposed Transforms.OutLocalPropertyValues.
- Fixed Prediction 2 reconciles/inputs not being run on non-owned objects after an ownership change.
- Changed NetworkBehaviour.IsOwnerOrServer to HasAuthority for clarity.
- Changed made Prediction 2 the default prediction system.
- Changed removed Prediction_V2 define. Prediction 2 is now default.
- Improved organized Fish-Networking menu.
- Added Switch To Prediction 1 or 2 in Fish-Networking Menu.
- Added ObserverManager.MaximumTimedObserversDuration.
- Added ObserverManager.SetMaximumTimedObserversDuration.