This project is the final assignment for FlexDevAcademy, developed collaboratively by course participants. The application is designed to manage and organize notes efficiently.
- Create Notes: Add new notes with titles and content.
- Edit Notes: Modify existing notes.
- Delete Notes: Remove notes that are no longer needed.
- Search Functionality: Search through notes by keywords.
- User Authentication: Secure login and registration system.
- C# with ASP.NET Core
- Entity Framework Core
- RESTful API design
- CSS3
- JavaScript
├── Controllers/
│ ├── NotesController.cs
│ └── AccountController.cs
├── Models/
│├── Note.cs
│└── User.cs
├── Views/
│ ├── Notes/
│ └── Account/
├── wwwroot/
│ ├── css/
│ ├── js/
│ └── images/
├── Data/
│ ├── ApplicationDbContext.cs
│ └── Migrations/
├── Services/
│ └── NoteService.cs
├── ViewModels/
│ ├── NoteViewModel.cs
│ └── UserViewModel.cs
├── Program.cs
├── Startup.cs
└── notes.sln
Clone the Repository:
git clone cd notes
Set Up the Database:
Update the connection string in appsettings.json to point to your database.
Apply migrations to set up the database schema:
dotnet ef database update
Run the Application:
dotnet run
The application will be accessible at http://localhost:5000.
Register: Create a new user account.
Login: Access your account.
Create Note: Add a new note.
Edit Note: Update an existing note.
Delete Note: Remove a note.
Search Notes: Use the search bar to find notes by title or content.