My original plan with this script was to get lots of grocery data to analyze and parse, but after realising that the cost of items can vary from store to store, will modify the script in order to track differences between stores.
In order to use these scripts, you may need advanced web knowledge for loblaws and superstore, I recommend installing an extension that can read cookies for the last_store_visited and flipp-store-code_2271
For postgres
CREATE TABLE grocery (
label varchar(255),
flyer_path varchar(255),
product_name varchar(255),
data_product_id varchar(100),
savings varchar(255),
current_price decimal(10,2),
start_date timestamp,
end_date timestamp,
description varchar(255),
size varchar(255),
quantity varchar(255),
product_type varchar(100),
frozen boolean,
see_more_link varchar(255),
store VARCHAR(255),
store_location VARCHAR(255)
To halt duplicates
ADD CONSTRAINT grocery_unique_flyer_see_more_label
UNIQUE (flyer_path, see_more_link, label);