Connected weather station with: ESP32, micropython, tft spi ili9341 screen, RF 433 Mhz RXB6 reciever, RF 433 Mhz temperature an humidity sensor,, OpenWeathermap, BMP280 ...
- See Connecting diagram file
- Copy all files from version1 folder to the ESP32 board.
- Paste your OpenWeatherMap API key, Blynk API key, SSID name and Wifi key into file instead of "..."
- has to be adapt to your sensor model.
Library for bmp280 sensor
Wifi connexion
- get data from OpenWeatherMap an WorldTimeAPI (
- send data to
Library for ILI9341 screen
Fonts fot ili9341 screen
- get data from RF sensor
- get data from BMP280
write on screen
Folder with text files icons , i use flash memory to store them instead of Ram memory.
main program