When you scan a barcode, you will hear a Ppig sound. The Ppig sound represents the cycle of recycling through barcode scanning.
First, please sign up for an account. The sign-up page includes fields for ID, nickname, password, password confirmation, and the day of the week for recycling. The button next to the ID field is for checking the availability of the ID, and the button next to the nickname field is for checking the availability of the nickname. The last field is for entering the day of the week that corresponds to your recycling schedule. In Korea, recycling days vary for each household, so it is important to enter the correct day.
Once you have completed the registration process, you are ready to use the app! The app has seven buttons, and for easier understanding, English subtitles are attached to the pictures. Click on the barcode image button, and the camera will open.
If you click on each picture button, information about the recycling process will be displayed. Then, scan the barcode of the item that you want to learn how to recycle. Please note that only certain barcodes can be scanned due to limited data. Available barcode pictures can be found in the productBarcode.zip file. The screen will show the name of the product, how to recycle it, and how to sort it for recycling. In summary, the app uses barcode scanning to facilitate the recycling process, and users can sign up for an account to access the app's features. The app provides information on how to recycle specific items, including their sorting and recycling methods.
BackEnd : https://github.com/GDSC-SKHU/Solution-Challenge-7team-Backend
Mobile : https://github.com/GDSC-SKHU/Solution-Challenge-7team-Mobile
- Backend
- Spring Boot
- Google Cloue Platform
- Mobile
- SwiftUI