Recent improvements in sequencing technology ("next-gen" sequencing platforms) have sharply reduced the cost of sequencing. The 1000 Genomes Project is the first project to sequence the genomes of a large number of people, to provide a comprehensive resource on human genetic variation.
The freely available data of the 1000 Genome Project represents more than 600 TB spread over thousands of directories and files. Mirroring this data source is a challenge, and browsing it online is a bit slow. Even documenting this data in a spreadsheet is a challenge (over 2 millions cells).
The original goal of this project is create a database of the metadata of the 1000 Genome Project (filenames, file types, sequencing parameters, file size, nb of reads, etc.)
For Mac: Download MaMp to be able to create the database.
Once installed, go to the phpMyAdmin page and click on "Import".
Import "1000genome.sql" file. And click "Run."
The "1000genome.sql" file will create the database "1000Genome", the tables: "Sequence", "Alignment" "Population" and "SuperPopulation".
Data has already been pre-imported.
Use the command: node server.js to run the project.
Just decomment the function you want to call. Note that the directory is the path where your file is on the FTP server.