A JavaScript Program that gets the IP Address of the connected device using RTCPeerConnection Web API and getting its Geological Information using IPGeolocation's API.
Open Console in your Browser and Paste the code written in tracker.js
It displays the Geological Information about the IP Address's Location that it got from IPGeolocation's API in the console.
- The location might not be correct
- It is just a program that displays the data that it got from the database of the given service.
- And it is also not live tracking of a device.
- You must replace YOUR_API_KEY on line 1 with your api key that you got from IP Geolocation
This also proves that how insecure it is to use RTC Peer Connection Web API without any Proxy or VPN.
Although there are limited things that someone can do by getting the IP Address of a device, but still it gives a step forward.