Saves an image from clipboard to a file and creates a link with given description for the current filetype.
For Windows systems you need a python installation accessible from VIM and the Python Pillow package (
For Un*x like systems the application xclip
will be used by default to copy
the content from the system clipboard.
MacOS X needs pngpaste
Install using your favorite (or the build-in) plugin manager, e.g.
Add the following configuration to your .vimrc
Plug 'grueslayer/vim-clipimg'
and install with :PlugInstall.
This shell command will be used to write the content from the clipboard to a
file. The placeholder %FULLFILENAME%
will be replaced by an escaped filename
with complete path.
- Win32:
(Python is used) - MacOS:
"pngpaste %FULLFILENAME%"
- Un*x:
"xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png -o >%FULLFILENAME%"
The images will be saved in the directory containing the current editing file.
If a string is given, the content is used as a sub directory which must exists.
Otherwise you can use a callback funtion from type
function subdir(filepath, title)
returning the relative path to the given directory.
let g:clipimg_subdir = 'img'
The filename will be generated from the title therefore non valid characters like * or ? should be replaced.
You can give a dictionary with search and replace pattern used for substitute().
Otherwise you can use a callback funtion from type
function subst(filepath, title)
returning the filename.
let g:clipimg_substitutes = { "[ \t\n*?{}`$\\/%#'\"|!<>.-]" : '' }
Contains a dictionary with filetype and a line for the current file format.
These placeholders can be used
- %FULLFILENAME% Filename with full path
- %FILENAME% Filename with extension (without path)
- %RELFILENAME% Filename with relative path
- %FULLPATH% Path without filename
- %RELPATH% Relative path without filename
- %TITLE% Description
If you want to have more control, a function with this prototyp can be used instead of a string with placeholders returning the text:
function imgtag(placeholderdict)
let g:clipimg_imgtags = { 'markdown' : '' }
:ClipImg title
Saves the image content to a file using g:clipimg_subdir
and g:clipimg_substitutes
for building the filename and g:clipimg_subdir
for saving.
An image link will been put at the current cursor position if defined for the current file type in g:clipimg_imgtags
See list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details