- JRE 11 Full JPMS
- SonarLinted to JRE8
- Removed SL4J for JDK
- Min Compat JRE8
- Try with resources on files and streams
- Removed OSGI for JDK OSGi and Modules
- Dependency updates for compatibility
- Removed links to desktop (gui package)
- Cant deploy to that maven group, so the artifact is located under com.jwebmp.jre11 Here
- Module name is
Module is defined as
module tm.bitronix.btm {
exports bitronix.tm;
exports bitronix.tm.utils;
exports bitronix.tm.resource.jdbc;
exports bitronix.tm.jndi;
requires java.transaction.xa;
requires java.naming;
requires java.transaction;
requires java.management;
requires java.management.rmi;
requires static jms;
requires static cglib;
requires java.sql;