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Pull requests: HDFGroup/hdf5

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Pull requests list

Improve the default plugin path #5399 Component - Build CMake, Autotools Component - Configure Configuration, build system/defaults Priority - 0. Blocker ⛔ This MUST be merged for the release to happen Type - Improvement Improvements that don't add a new feature or functionality
#5407 opened Mar 27, 2025 by byrnHDF Loading…
Add predefined datatypes for bfloat16 data Component - C Library Core C library issues (usually in the src directory) Component - C++ C++ wrappers Component - Documentation Doxygen, markdown, etc. Component - Fortran Fortran wrappers Component - High-Level Library Code in the hl directory Component - Java Java wrappers Component - Testing Code in test or testpar directories, GitHub workflows Component - Tools Command-line tools like h5dump, includes high-level tools Priority - 1. High 🔼 These are important issues that should be resolved in the next release Type - New Feature Add a new API call, functionality, or tool
#5402 opened Mar 21, 2025 by jhendersonHDF Draft
Fortran configury: Ensure F08 real_kinds are actually valid kinds Component - Configure Configuration, build system/defaults Component - Fortran Fortran wrappers
#5401 opened Mar 21, 2025 by lrbison Loading…
S3 credentials order/testing and add S3 object URIs support Component - C Library Core C library issues (usually in the src directory) Component - Testing Code in test or testpar directories, GitHub workflows Component - Tools Command-line tools like h5dump, includes high-level tools effort-large Can be completed in a month or less Priority - 1. High 🔼 These are important issues that should be resolved in the next release Type - Improvement Improvements that don't add a new feature or functionality
#5397 opened Mar 20, 2025 by byrnHDF Draft
Add Developer build mode workflow Component - Misc Anything else (CODEOWNERS, etc.) Component - Testing Code in test or testpar directories, GitHub workflows Priority - 3. Low 🔽 Code cleanup, small feature change requests, etc. Type - Improvement Improvements that don't add a new feature or functionality
#5396 opened Mar 20, 2025 by byrnHDF Loading…
Suppress GCC warnings about invalid float16 literal suffix before C23 Component - C Library Core C library issues (usually in the src directory) Component - Testing Code in test or testpar directories, GitHub workflows Priority - 3. Low 🔽 Code cleanup, small feature change requests, etc. Type - Improvement Improvements that don't add a new feature or functionality
#5387 opened Mar 17, 2025 by jhendersonHDF Loading…
Update H5SCprivate.h to be in sync with API doc Component - Documentation Doxygen, markdown, etc. Type - Improvement Improvements that don't add a new feature or functionality
#5386 opened Mar 17, 2025 by fortnern Loading…
Fix assertion failure in H5S__copy_pnt_list() Component - C Library Core C library issues (usually in the src directory) Priority - 3. Low 🔽 Code cleanup, small feature change requests, etc. Type - Bug / Bugfix Please report security issues to [email protected] instead of creating an issue on GitHub
#5352 opened Mar 5, 2025 by jhendersonHDF Draft
Fix bad VOL env var handling in CMake tests Component - Testing Code in test or testpar directories, GitHub workflows Priority - 2. Medium ⏹ It would be nice to have this in the next release Type - Bug / Bugfix Please report security issues to [email protected] instead of creating an issue on GitHub
#5337 opened Feb 26, 2025 by mattjala Loading…
Fix debug build failure on Windows ARM64+MSVC Component - Build CMake, Autotools Confirmed Priority - 3. Low 🔽 Code cleanup, small feature change requests, etc. Type - Improvement Improvements that don't add a new feature or functionality
#5285 opened Jan 30, 2025 by anthony-linaro Loading…
Fix oss-fuzz vulns Component - C Library Core C library issues (usually in the src directory) Priority - 1. High 🔼 These are important issues that should be resolved in the next release Type - Bug / Bugfix Please report security issues to [email protected] instead of creating an issue on GitHub
#5209 opened Jan 7, 2025 by oss-patch Loading…
Fix vuln OSV-2024-381 Component - C Library Core C library issues (usually in the src directory) Priority - 1. High 🔼 These are important issues that should be resolved in the next release Type - Bug / Bugfix Please report security issues to [email protected] instead of creating an issue on GitHub
#5202 opened Jan 2, 2025 by oss-patch Loading…
Make H5FL package threadsafe Component - C Library Core C library issues (usually in the src directory) Component - Testing Code in test or testpar directories, GitHub workflows Priority - 1. High 🔼 These are important issues that should be resolved in the next release Type - New Feature Add a new API call, functionality, or tool
#5195 opened Dec 30, 2024 by qkoziol Loading…
Switch HDoff_t to uint64_t in the public API Component - C Library Core C library issues (usually in the src directory) Component - C++ C++ wrappers Component - Fortran Fortran wrappers Component - Java Java wrappers Component - Testing Code in test or testpar directories, GitHub workflows Component - Tools Command-line tools like h5dump, includes high-level tools Priority - 1. High 🔼 These are important issues that should be resolved in the next release Type - Improvement Improvements that don't add a new feature or functionality
#5082 opened Nov 7, 2024 by derobins Draft
ProTip! Updated in the last three days: updated:>2025-03-25.