This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
Things you may want to cover:
Ruby/ Rails version
System dependencies
Database setup/ initialization
How to run the test suite
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
Deployment instructions
ruby 2.5.3p105
rails 5.2.3
Make sure you copy all required config files in the config/ directory
Copy all necessary *.yml.example files to *.yml
Use the example command below as a guide (In the root of application)
cp config/something.yml.example config/something.yml
Using an Empty Database
Run the following command to setup and initialize your database with metadata:
rails db:setup
Using an Existing Database
Run the following command to migrate your database with new schema changes:
rails db:migrate
Resetting an Existing Database
Run the following command to reset and initialize your database with metadata:
rails db:reset
Metadata files reside in the following directory
If tests are available, be sure that all tests pass to allow smooth running of the application
To run the test suite use the following command:
rake test
###1. IDS Builder
BHT RDS Application
Find out more from the link below
[email protected]:BaobabHealthTrust/BHT-RDS-API.git
Make sure your config/database.yml file is pre-configured for RDS to IDS
In config/database.yml modify the section below
<<: *default
database: your_rds_database_name
This service is used for getting data from RDS (Row Data Storage) to this repository
To build the IDS, you get data from RDS by running the ids_builder service with the following command;
rails runner bin/ids_builder.rb
Running itech data deduplication:
Load data into table itech_deduplications
Truncate table itech_potential_duplicates
Then run `rails r bin/itech_deduplicator.rb`