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HM University Certificate


  1. Fork the repo

  2. Go to stchi-cert.tex or stlinus-cert.tex

  3. Go to this part of the file:

  4. Replace YOUR\_NAME\_HERE by your name, YEAR by the current year and DATE by the current date.

    Do not change the {\YEAR} and {\DATE} !

  5. Commit and push to Github, then open Github Actions to download your certificate!


  1. Makesure you have LaTeX environment installed!

  2. Clone git repository

    git clone
  3. Open the tex file depending to the certification that you want to get, and go to this part of the file:

  4. Replace YOUR\_NAME\_HERE by your name, YEAR by the current year and DATE by the current date.

    Do not change the {\YEAR} and {\DATE} !

  5. Then run

    xelatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -pdf stchi-cert.tex 

    for certificate of St. Chi College, or

    xelatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -pdf stlinus-cert.tex 

    for certificate of St. Linus College.

  6. Get stchi-cert.pdf or stlinus-cert.pdf!