This is the source code for the semantic analysis program for the Incident QA Process at U of M's IT Services. - > Source code
All developers: Nathan Shepherd
Team Members: Hema Shah (Project Supervisor) Chuck Sulikowski (Manager)
pro_svm == Production scale-able support vector machine
The support vector machine classifies a given service incident based on the occurrence of words in fields of text. For example, an incident that mentions ['print', 'printing', 'can't connect', 'jam'] should be classified as Printing. A seperate incident that mentions ['Monitor','SSD','Keyboard'] should be classified as Workstation Hardware.
The prod_svm automatically imports all dependencies automatically if they are in Python35\site-packages
SD_SoftApp_TrainingData.csv, SD_wHardware_PredictionData.csv, SD_wHardware_TrainingData.csv: must all be in the same directory as this program
The nn_testing file is oriented around the neural network. Fully documented code will lead one familair with neural network around the TensorFlow session. The current version of the nn_testing is meant to be a model for what the optimized version of the final neural network will become.
Our frontend process to date:
1.) Daily output file of incident fields in shared folder (in .csv format, fields parsed as strings and denoted by commas)
2.) Automatically pick up file and send to GitHub (via .git/commit incantation)
3.) Train model in Cloud (AWS, TensorCloud) and get prediction Output as prediction file. This will represent the correct configuration of each Incident input.
4.) GitHub sends output file to FTP to update ServiceLink Incidents