A C# Based Valorant library that allows you to interact with data from VALORANT.
This library is not complete and still has a ways to go and can be improved in many aspects. Please contribute if you would like.
This project is built on top of excisting nuget packages. Valnet will become a nuget package when it is complete.
- Restsharp (106.15.0)
- WebSocketSharp
Simple Console Application Example for Authentication
using ValNet;
using ValNet.Objects.Authentication;
* Example Authentication Using ValNet Lib
* By: Mike
* Written On 1/20/21
RiotLoginData LoginData = new() // Basic Login Object used to pass authentication data to riot servers.
username = "Username",
password = "Password"
// Valnet's User Class, Can be used multiple times for each riot user you want to actively login to.
// Class Houses every aspect of Valnet and its features.
// There are multiple ways to construct the user.
// You can have it empty or pass in the LoginData on its Instantiation
// You can also pass the region for the account *BUT* region is automatically gotten when authenticating.
// The region is there for future cases just as backup.
RiotUser User;
User = new RiotUser(LoginData); // Instantiate User with their login information
var ResponseData =
.AuthenticateWithCloud(); // Access the authentication class and login with cloud to use login data. Store the Response.
// This will send the login data to Riot servers and setup the User, You can check if everything went well if
// 1. You do not get any Exception thrown to you
// 2. By Checking the ResponseData.bIsAuthComplete Variable to check the status. If True you are good to go.
// As of 1/19/21: Riot has released Multifactor authentication.
// To see if the user needs to send a two factor authentication code, please check the response data.
// If ResponseData.type is "multifactor", this means there is a multifactor code required.
// To get the data from the multifactor prompt check the ResponseData.multifactorData object.
// This object contains all the data needed for two factor.
if (ResponseData.bIsAuthComplete == false)
if (ResponseData.type.Equals("multifactor")) // Checking if multifactor is needed.
MultifactorPrompt(); // Method that will continuously prompt for the second code.
Console.WriteLine("Login Sucessful!");
void MultifactorPrompt()
var Email = ResponseData.multifactorData
.email; // Stores the email that riot provides which is the location the code is sent to.
$"Please check {Email} and please type in your {ResponseData.multifactorData.multiFactorCodeLength} digit code. ");
var code = Console.ReadLine(); // Console Waits for a response
ResponseData = User.Authentication.AuthenticateTwoFactorCode(code); // Sends the code to riot servers.
if (ResponseData.error is not null &&
"multifactor_attempt_failed")) // Checks if an error occurs, and if the error is showing that the wrong code was entered.
Console.WriteLine("The Code is wrong.");