OpenTracerUnit is a set of arduino code and 3D designs for an assortment of airsoft guns.
The project was started during lockdown partly due to boredom and partly because I wanted to learn some arduino code. I had just bought a Golden Eagle M870 and wanted to use tracer BB's at my local field's night games. Because it is a gas gun there is no option to link to an electronic trigger so the unit had to be self contained.
- Be able to light up green tracer BBs
- To not interfere with the iron sights
- To be as cheap as possible
- Golden Eagle M8871
- 11.1 Li-Po (because I plan to just stuff it in the end of the magazine tube)
- Better power delivery with ability to build in USB charging (USB-C ideally)
- Smaller battery, with ability to integrate it with design (1S Li-Po). This will likely involve switching to a 3.3V logic
- More guns added to CAD design library
- Slim down code to run as fast as possible
- Break code out into functions to simplify and make it easier to add features to
- Auto recalibrate if LED stays on for over X pulses
- Soldering Iron
- Snips
- Ability to flash arduino code
- Hot Glue Gun
- 3D Printer/Somewhere to get it printed