How to get those tusks glowing with new code:
Step 1. Install FastLED. There is a FastLED directory in the root of the repository/zip file. Copy it to your Arduino's user libs folder.
- On Linux it is /home/[username]/Arduino/libraries
- On OSX it is /Users/[username]/Documents/Arduino/libraries
- On Windows it is ...Documents\Arduino\libraries
Step 2: Configure the basics for right behavior
- Open maam_tusk_2017/maam_tusk_2017.ino in Arduino IDE
- Make sure "#define TESTING" is commented out at the top of the file
- Under "// MaaM Configuration" make sure correct clock and data pins are set
- If you are seeing any pure red color you may need to change "#define COLOR_ORDER" from RGB to something else on line 27
- You may need to comment out "NEEDS_GREEN_BLUE_GRADIENT_SWAP" at the top of the file as well, but only if your color palette still looks wrong. If you are seeing blue -> purple -> pink -> white -> cyan -> blue, don't mess with it
Step 3: Knock on wood, compile and upload
Step 4: Tweak to achieve the behavior
- Change "#define FRAMES_PER_SECOND ..." on line 26 to change how fast everything flows
- Change "#define GRAD_LENGTH ..." on line 30 to have longer vs shorter gradients (and, conserquently, how dense they get pacled)
- Change "#define BRIGHTNESS" on line 16 to tweak the brightness brightness
Step 5: Get hypnotized by pretty lights! Throw away all lists and have fun!