This is a demonstration of Asciidoctor. And this is the preamble of this document.
This document exercises many of the features of AsciiDoc to test the Asciidoctor implementation.
If you want the output to look familiar, copy (or link) the AsciiDoc stylesheet, asciidoc.css, to the output directory. |
Items marked with TODO are either not yet supported or a work in progress. |
== First Steps with AsciiDoc
single quotes around a phrase place 'emphasis'
astericks around a phrase make the text bold
double astericks around one or more letters in a word make those letters bold
double underscore around a substring in a word emphasize that substring
use carrots around characters to make them superscript
use tildes around characters to make them subscript
to pass through HTML directly, surround the text with triple plus
characters can be escaped using a \
for instance, you can escape a quote inside emphasized text like 'Here's Johnny!'
you can safely use reserved XML characters like <, > and &, which are escaped when rendering
force a space between inline elements using the {sp} attribute
hold text together with an intrinsic non-breaking space attribute, {nbsp}
handle words with unicode characters like in the name Gregory Romé
claim your copyright ©, registered trademark ® or trademark ™
You can write text with inline links, optionally using an explicit link prefix. In either case, the link can have a query string.
If you want to break a line
just end it in a + sign
and continue typing on the next line.
=== Lists Upon Lists
this list
should join
to have
four items
These items
will be auto-numbered
and can be nested
A numbered list can nest
I swear I left it in 'Guy's' car. Let's go look for it.
This should be a standalone paragraph, not grabbed by the definition list.
first level written on two lines
first level
with this literal text
second level
third level
fourth level
back to
first level
Let’s make a horizontal rule…
then take a break.
== We’re back!
Do you feel safer with the tiger in a box?
doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new("*This* is it!", :header_footer => false)
puts doc.render
Here’s what it outputs (using the built-in templates):
<div class="paragraph"> <p><strong>This</strong> is it!</p> </div>
=== ``Quotes''
AsciiDoc is 'so' powerful!
This verse comes to mind.
La la la
Here’s another quote:
When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Want to get literal? Just prefix a line with a space (just one will do). .... I'll join that party, too. .... We forgot to mention in <<numbered>> that you can change the numbering style. .. first item (yeah!) .. second item, looking `so mono` .. third item, +mono+ it is! // This attribute line will get reattached to the next block // despite being followed by a trailing blank line [id='wrapup'] == Wrap-up NOTE: AsciiDoc is quite cool, you should try it! [TIP] .Info ===== Go to this URL to learn more about it: * http://asciidoc.org Or you could return to the xref:first[] or <<purpose,Purpose>>. ===== Here's a reference to the definition of <<another_term>>, in case you forgot it. [NOTE] One more thing. Happy documenting! [[google]]When all else fails, head over to <http://google.com>.