This is the updated Nastran 95 documentation using the markdown language.
Copy the files to an environment that has gfortran (GNU Fortran compiler) and make installed. We did this on the Ubuntu platform.
Obtain the files from github using:
>>> git clone
Run the following commands in Linux in order to compile the source code
>>> chmod 744 bootstrap
>>> chmod 744 configure
>>> sudo ./bootstrap
>>> sudo make all
In order to compile Nastran 95 on Windows, a project needs to be created in an editor such as Codeblocks. This is more specialized and will not be covered in this manual.
How to RUN A nastran 95 PROBLEM
The NASTRAN 95 program uses *.inp files instead of *.BDF files
Put the *.inp file in the
NASTRANinstalldirectory/test directory
Then run the testrunner script.
>>>./testrunner beam.inp
runs a problem named "beam"
How to RUN A nastran 95 PROBLEM in windows
Declare the nasthome variable first:
set nasthome=c:\NASTRAN
This is best done using the "environment variables from the start menu"
The open up a console in the Nastran install directory (for example c:\NASTRAN)
Now run the “beam.inp” file in the “test” directory, but using the following command:
>>>nastran.bat ..\test\beam
runs a problem named "beam.inp"
Note not to add the *.inp extension in the Windows command as this will cause errors.