The NeoRV32 is a softcore written in VHDL. Using LiteX it was synthesized to the ULX3S FPGA.
The following instruction was used to write the NeoRV32 core to the
ULX3S and generate the neorv32.svd
python3 -m litex_boards.targets.radiona_ulx3s --device=LFE5U-85F \
--with-spi-sdcard --cpu-type=neorv32 --cpu-variant=full --csr-svd \
neorv32.svd --bus-standard axi-lite --build
The axi-lite
bus type had to be used as the wishbone
bus was not
working with any softcore I tried at the time.
Following the steps indicated in this
by Fabien-Chouteau we can automatically create the Hardware
Abstraction Layer from the neorv32.svd
Version 0.1.0
of svd2ada
cannot handle the case where MSB
takes place before LSB
. A patch
has been created and it can be found in the following
Currently, the library has not "high level" abstractions that make it easy to work with. This will come with time as it becomes more developed.