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ItsDeltin edited this page Jun 25, 2021 · 5 revisions


Importing files

Importing files is vital for organizing any decently-sized projects. Files can be imported by adding an import statement to the top of your script.

import "Player Controller.del";

rule: "My rule"

You can import custom game settings the same way, simply by writing import "customGameSettings.json".

Ternary Conditionals

Ternary conditionals are defined with a condition, a consequent, and an alternative. If the condition evaluated to true, the consequent will be chosen. Otherwise, the alternative is chosen.

condition ? consequent : alternative

In the example below, numberOfBosses will equal 1 if there are less than 5 players, otherwise it will equal 2.

define numberOfBosses = NumberOfPlayers() < 5 ? 1 : 2;

Ternary conditionals do not create any actions, so they can be used in conditions.

Boolean operations

The operators && and || can be used to compare booleans.


if (condition)

else if (another_condition)




Switches are similiar to if statements. Switches in OSTW will fallthrough, so be sure to add a break.

switch (currentMode)
    case Mode.Waiting:
        SmallMessage(EventPlayer(), "Waiting for players, please wait.");

    case Mode.Playing:
        SmallMessage(EventPlayer(), "Game is currently ongoing, please wait.");
    case Mode.Ending:
        SmallMessage(EventPlayer(), "Next game is starting soon!");
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