This is an Angular client based application that is working alongside the Blog API from the other project. Blog C# API
It is a portfolio that displays my current programming projects, my hobbies, allows me to share my thoughts through categorized articles and shows who I am.
There is login option based on JWT token. JWT Tokens
- It has one way user state manegement, based on Observables, wich is responsible for storing the user info, based on the token.
- It has HTTP client interceptor that adds the token (if exists) for every request for authentication
- It has special route guard that limits the access to pages if the user is not authenticated
It allows to make requests for CRUD for Projects and Articles.
- You can also upload images for Projects and Articles.
- Built in two-way form bindings and validators are used.
It has a Loading service and iterceptor.
- This checks if there are still unfinished requests and displays a loading screen if so.
It has Errorhandling service and interceptor.
- It has an interceptor that retries the request on failure.
- Based on the error (401, 404, 500) the additional error handler either redirects the user to login, to the error page or just display the error message.
Additional integrations:
- For the HTML pages Bootstrap is used Bootstrap
- Toastr messages in app Toastr
- Notification service for local notifications Notifications
- Facebook comments and like plugin FB Comments
Future development:
- Resseting password through email
- Adding logos for badges